Review Zotac Mek Mini Review: Big Things in Small Packages

I am not really looking for one of these...but yet may get a PC to go with my ROKU Smart TV (that isn't so). So the article grabbed my attention - I read it...and waited for the 'two large bricks' to show up in a photo. Another disappointing Tom's review that is half-completed.
I agree; I skimmed the article to see the size of the two large bricks, but found nothing.

Please add a picture of the power bricks next to the PC itself so that you can get a sense of the problem 🙂
I suggest you take pictures next an Xbox or PS4 in the vertical position to give people a better size understanding. Also put it next to a normal-mid size tower. It's really hard to judge size in your gallery and it quite honestly looks as big as any other mid-tower case in the pictures.
Why not get a Zotac Magnus mini PC instead? it costs a bit more more at $1500 but it's significantly smaller, I don't think it uses 2 external bricks , I could be wrong though.
I am not really looking for one of these...but yet may get a PC to go with my ROKU Smart TV (that isn't so). So the article grabbed my attention - I read it...and waited for the 'two large bricks' to show up in a photo. Another disappointing Tom's review that is half-completed.

Right above the Specs list, in the top third of the review?