When building your wonders and districts in this new civilization game, you always have to consider what adjacency bonuses you are going to be getting and plan your sprawling cities out before you even build them all. So how do you best place these to get the most out of them?
Step 1)Be aware of what bonuses you get from what.
Check out this high def map by 3mptylord is the best I have been able to find so far to accurately display what adjacent bonus each and every district gets and what provides it. Keep this handy and you'll always know what districts and what wonders work best together.
Step 2)Plan you victory method.
You only have so much space in every city, and can only do so much with each of them. Keep the victory condition in mind as to what you are striving for, and plan your districts and wonder placement out to get the most out of them that is going to benefit you towards that goal.
Step 3)Consider the wonders you want and plan towards them.
All the wonders have specific requirements that you'll need to meet in order to build them, above and beyond just getting the required technology or civic. These requirements are all shown in the above guide as well, so keep those in mind for the wonders you want to build. You may need to found new cities that will meet those requirements just to get all the wonders you're going to need for your victory condition.
If you really want to do well here, I'd suggest keeping that diagram handy and planning out every aspect of your civilization thoroughly by using it. Having a solid plan before you even start out will go a long way.
Step 1)Be aware of what bonuses you get from what.
Check out this high def map by 3mptylord is the best I have been able to find so far to accurately display what adjacent bonus each and every district gets and what provides it. Keep this handy and you'll always know what districts and what wonders work best together.
Step 2)Plan you victory method.
You only have so much space in every city, and can only do so much with each of them. Keep the victory condition in mind as to what you are striving for, and plan your districts and wonder placement out to get the most out of them that is going to benefit you towards that goal.
Step 3)Consider the wonders you want and plan towards them.
All the wonders have specific requirements that you'll need to meet in order to build them, above and beyond just getting the required technology or civic. These requirements are all shown in the above guide as well, so keep those in mind for the wonders you want to build. You may need to found new cities that will meet those requirements just to get all the wonders you're going to need for your victory condition.
If you really want to do well here, I'd suggest keeping that diagram handy and planning out every aspect of your civilization thoroughly by using it. Having a solid plan before you even start out will go a long way.