How To 

Overwatch Hero Guide Junkrat

Do you have excellent aim and a keen eye for sniping targets from afar? This is not the guide for you.


Junkrat is a spirited and enthusiastic character that specializes in explosives. He's also a little mad, which may explain the multitude of clown/jester/joker skins you can unlock for him. He's a lot of fun to play and his bouncing bombs make it easier to damage targets without actually aiming. Simply shoot in their general direction! And remember: if at first you don't succeed, blow it up again!

Frag Launcher


Junkrat's main form of attack shoots bouncing grenades that will explode on impact with an enemy or after bouncing to the target location. You can also shoot these blindly behind obstacles or through doorways to throw off any enemy strategy.

Steel Trap


Junkrat places a steel trap in front of him. These can be difficult to aim properly, as they are quite heavy. The cooldown is short, though, so if you don't like where it landed, you can lay another one in about ten seconds. You can only have one trap down at a time, so make sure you place it wisely! In group fights, you can always throw down a trap and chances are someone will step on it, but if you're defending an objective, or are in an area where you can safely lob bombs from a distance, it's always a good idea to lay a trap in a doorway or around a corner. These can be shot at and destroyed, so placing it out of enemy line of sight will definitely give you the advantage.

Concussion Mine


Junkrat places a sticky bomb at the target location and can detonate it from anywhere using the remote. Enemies in the area of effect of the explosion are not only damaged, but also knocked back and sent flying. Try to place it in locations you can send enemies flying away from the objective or even off a cliff! (Or into a well!). These mines can also make Junkrat go flying (without the damage, thankfully), so this is an especially useful tactic to launch Junkrat to safety, over walls, to higher locations or just for laughs. Junkrat can only place one mine at a time, but, like the Steel Trap, it has a short cooldown so you can always place another one in a new location. Concussion Mines will NOT knock back your teammates.

RIP-Tire (Ultimate)


Junkrat's ult is a tire bomb that you have to steer around and over obstacles and can detonate it to do some serious damage to enemies within its blast range. It will explode on its own after ten seconds if you don't detonate it yourself. If the enemies are taking the objective, try to aim the tire into the objective area to detonate it.

While revving the tire bomb, Junkrat is extremely vulnerable to enemy attacks. Try to rev around a corner or seek shelter to safely use this ability. The tire can also be shot at and canceled by enemy fire while on the path to destruction.

Total Mayhem (Passive)


Junkrat will never miss an opportunity to make things go kaboom. Even after he dies, Junkrat will drop live granades which will damage any enemy standing on or around his body. This is great for taking out melee enemies after they kill Junkrat.

Junkrat: Takes a lickin’, keeps on tickin’.