Recent content by arjan_2

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    Question Stuck on "Republic of Gamers" screen after boot ?

    Hello. After turning on my PC after it's been off, most of the time it gets stuck on the "republic of gamers" screen. I can tell it's stuck if there is no loading circle. I then use the restart button to restart the PC, and most of the time it boots normally. Rarely it still doesn't and windows...
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    Question What connector do I need to power the RTX 3070?

    Should I just use the one cable, or two? It's for the 3070, so one cable would fill all pins on the gpu. Thank you It is the NVIDIA 3070 FE edition, is there a difference? Thank you
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    Question What connector do I need to power the RTX 3070?

    Hey! I've just purchased a 3070, was lucky to get one! And now i'm looking at my psu cables (AX1200I) and I have a cable which goes into two x 6x2 pcie. Can I use this cable for the 3070, or should I find another cable, and use two separate cables for 6 ports into the gpu each. Thanks a lot!
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    [SOLVED] HDD makes spinning noise, and PC freezes for a few seconds

    Hello. I have a 1tb SSD (Sata), and my OS is installed on there. However, I also have 2x 3TB HDD's for other stuff. Normally when i'm downloading something on there, i hear a clicking sound, thinking it may be on it's way out. However, I kept using it as normal, now sometimes I hear like the...
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    CPU stuck at max clock speed

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    Constant stutter every 1-2 seconds

    Are you using a HDMI cable?
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    CPU stuck at max clock speed

    Hi. I used intel xtu to OC, but then it was stuck on the max frequency, so I put the speed back to normal, but it didn't solve the issue, so I did a cmos reset, and it solved it kinda (didn't go to 700mhz as it used to at idle) for 1 day, but now its back. 6700K @ 4GHz
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    1080p 144hz or 1440p Monitor for GTX 1070

    The best for you will probably be the 1440p one, however I'd go for the 1080p one myself, because I couldn't bear with the 8ms.
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    Hdmi cable is causing stutter?

    I am watching a tv show on my pc, its fine, but I wanna watch it on the big screen, so I ordered a 10M hdmi cable, however every 5-10 seconds, it stutters, so the video does not move smoothly. This is kinda annoying, and I was wondering if this is a normal issue, or it is with the HDMI cable...
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    Will I notice the difference between 1ms and 4ms response time?

    I personally would, when I play my ps4 on my tv, (I think its 5ms), Its unplayable to me, there is lots of screen lag. On my 1ms asus monitor, the lag goes away, and its playable. But this is my opinion.
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    Corsair 760T Front dust filter panel

    I've been looking online on guides for how to take the front panel dust filter off on the corsair 760t,l but cannot find any. When I rub my finger on it, dust appears, so I want to take it off and clean it. How would you recommend me clean this? Thanks
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    Kraken x61 asus maximus

    When i launch the new built pc it says cpu fan error. Its connected to W_Pump. Do i need to connect it to the Cpu_FAN?
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    Corsair 760 t psu help

    Figured it out! Thanks a lot for the help!
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    Corsair 760 t psu help

    Thanks for the help. I have one more question. I looked in the manual to install the power led and hdd led. But cannot see the power sw or the reset sw in the motherboard manual. Also i put the red bit of hdd led to -and white to +. I think this is correct? Thanks