Recent content by brarboy

  1. brarboy

    Monitor is going to power saving mode after few minutes

    uninstall all previous gpu drivers n reinstall them with your new gpu. If nothing works then just reinstall windows & most probably it will work.
  2. brarboy

    cmputer sudden shut dowm

  3. brarboy

    Monitor is going to power saving mode after few minutes

    hey what was your previous graphics card? It might be drivers conflicting with your new card. Remove your card & try to turn on your pc. Let me know if it still causes problem?
  4. brarboy

    cmputer sudden shut dowm

    I would suggest remove all the cabinet connectors from motherboard like power button, reset button etc. Turn on your pc directly from motherboard with the help of screw driver. Problem might be in your power button if pc starts up normally.
  5. brarboy

    Cooler Master Hyper 212x won't fit in my case

    your case is more likely to attract dust with its side panel open. So cleaning will frequently required to stop aging if your pc components.
  6. brarboy

    What version of PCIE slot my motherboard BIOSTAR P4M900-M7 SE has?

    what gpu are you trying to buy? Every pci-e 2.0 or 3.0 is backward compatible on your 1.0 motherboard. If you looking at high end gpu, u might have to change your whole system as ur performance will be halted by cpu and to some extent by your motherboard's pci-e slot.
  7. brarboy

    Can I transfer my HDD without wiping it?

    Yes you can. But your old motherboard drivers may conflict. I would suggest just re-installing windows to get your pc fully properly functioning and avoid further problems.
  8. brarboy

    What version of PCIE slot my motherboard BIOSTAR P4M900-M7 SE has?

    It is 1.0 as written on this Manual;
  9. brarboy

    Should I reinstall my gpu?

  10. brarboy

    Internet slowed down

    if you are using windows 10 then open task manager> go to processes tab and check if there is service(like service host) or any other app using anything in Network column.
  11. brarboy

    Internet slowed down

    Do your friends use same Wi-Fi connection? Also, have you checked any application or service using your bandwidth in background?