Recent content by cball1311

  1. cball1311

    HELP ME!!! i need help with water cooling.

    I comes with coolant pre-installed. You are good to install it.
  2. cball1311

    Which Keyboard Switch Should I Get?

    I use reds as well on the Corsair K95. Love how they feel and response is great.
  3. cball1311

    Will i get more FPS with a better CPU?

    Yes. The A6 will bottleneck the 770. It is only dual core so even with a quad core APU, you should see some performance increase but I would recommend at least an FX 6300.
  4. cball1311

    AMD 7850k Temperature Readings

    The best thing to use for temperature on AMD is AMD OverDrive. We just had a great discussion on this and you can read it here.
  5. cball1311

    Is it time to upgrade?

    Well, probably not. You would see a slight increase in performance since you are adding two more cores (on gaming titles that utilize 4 cores). If you are thinking about getting all of this at the same time, I would just get the GPU first and see if you get any performance increase (you may or...
  6. cball1311

    intel i5 4670k core 4 not working

    In CPU ID, it says that you only have 3 cores in the bottom right?
  7. cball1311

    Conflicting temperature readings on FX6300

    Good stuff chimera :) :lol:
  8. cball1311

    How is this PC?

    I would go more along these lines. You can save some cash if you use different vendors for parts (if you can). Don't get a reference GPU because the cooling is not good. If you are not going to overclock the CPU (or plan too) you can save a few more bucks with the non-K edition. I changed the...
  9. cball1311

    intel i5 4670k core 4 not working

    How are you determining this?
  10. cball1311

    Conflicting temperature readings on FX6300

    I would think that AMD would look into this matter with the up most importance if they want to continue to claim to be the "Overclocker's CPU brand". Thoughts?
  11. cball1311

    Z97 with HDMI in

  12. cball1311

    Conflicting temperature readings on FX6300

    @Eduello/chimera201. I really appreciate the postings and links. I had know idea that AMD worked this way. It is great to learn something new and how to look at these temps.
  13. cball1311

    Which components should be reconsidered?

    If you are looking for semi modular, I would go with one of these four. Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($80.81 @ Amazon) Power Supply: SeaSonic 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($83.99 @ SuperBiiz) Power...
  14. cball1311

    Which components should be reconsidered?

    In addition, if you are not going to overclock (or don't plan too) you can get the non-K edition i5-4670 to shave a few. I also personally don't recommend spending the extra on black edition HDDs. Too overated. You would be fine with a Caviar Blue. The UD3H motherboard would be fine as well if...
  15. cball1311

    Is it time to upgrade?

    Well, the 270 would be fine on an FX-6350 but you will need a motherboard replacement to support it. CPU: AMD FX-6350 3.9GHz 6-Core Processor ($119.99 @ Newegg) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($74.98 @ SuperBiiz) Total: $194.97 (Prices include shipping, taxes, and...