Recent content by Dayzzz

  1. D

    Question KVM for PC and MAC?

    Hi, is anyone aware of a really good KVM that can connect to a PC and a MAC book? I have a personal PC and a MAC from work, my PC is amazing with two screens a great mouse and keyboard, i'd like to be able to connect them both and switch them from one to the other whenever i want. i need the...
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    [SOLVED] PC wont turn off other than GPU - RESOLVED

    Dont know what you mean by "slap an old copy", i had a windows installation on a diskonkey, i installed it, and i used a new product key that i bought. By upgrading i meant updating :) just windows update... in anyway, it seems to be resolved now. i ran a BIOS update twice, after the 2nd time...
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    [SOLVED] PC wont turn off other than GPU - RESOLVED

    Hi, Just built a new PC, and i'm seeing very weird behaviour that i've never encountered before. When i click on Shut down from windows, nothing shuts down - well, othe than the GPU. the case fans are on, the CPU fan is on, seems like the PC is still on, the screen doesnt show anything coz...
  4. D

    New Lenovo ideapad L3-15IML05 - touchpad not working

    :D just try everything till it works hehe
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    New Lenovo ideapad L3-15IML05 - touchpad not working

    Hi, I was able to resolve the issue. although it tells u there are no updates, windows or Lenovo, it seems like manually updating the chipset (I/O) from the Lenovo site fixes the problem with the touchpad. again - if u scan for updates or look for anything that's missing, it tells u that...
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    New Lenovo ideapad L3-15IML05 - touchpad not working

    no mate, no yellow devices, no touchpad, nothing. i'm quite technical, i've tried going through people's solutions, even in Lenovo's forums... nada. i feel like its a real issue with this laptop model and windows update, and there's no solution yet coz its a new model. yes its under warranty...
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    New Lenovo ideapad L3-15IML05 - touchpad not working

    Model name : 81Y3 , does that help?
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    New Lenovo ideapad L3-15IML05 - touchpad not working

    Hi All, I bought a new IdeaPad as mentioned above, and everything works great - other than the touchpad. i installed a new Win10, since i have my own license, and I don't see any drivers in device manager or anything that even relates touchpad in the settings. I've tried so far: F6 where it...
  9. D

    Question Game keybindings in gibberish

    changing before i log in is what i do, when i remember to. there has to be a solution mate, there's no way its an acceptable issue! i refuse to believe that :) i searched a bit online and saw some solutions but none worked for me.
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    Question Game keybindings in gibberish

    Hello, I wonder if anyone here has encountered this issue or can help with any other experience that is similar. I have 2 languages in my Windows keyboard setup, EN and my native lang, EN is defined as default input, and Windows is also set to EN of course. in some games like Doom or Watch...
  11. D

    [SOLVED] Keyboard recommendation

    Hi all, Been searching for a kb for quite a while, and I think I need some help deciding which one to go for. my needs are: a quiet keyboard - I have a baby sleeping in the next room a full set - including Numpad, not the 60% or so most of my time I'm either gaming or coding, so I need...
  12. D

    Question water cooling recommendations - 3800X

    thanks for your reply. I know Noctua is considered the best of the best in the air department, and I also know that air cooling is as good as water cooling (good air cooling, like Noctua). but its too robust for my taste, especially Noctua, it's huge, I'm not that big on looks, but that one is...
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    Question water cooling recommendations - 3800X

    Hi all! Just finished building my first PC, got a 3800X CPU, X570 aorus ultra and i'm using the new NX800 case. I wanted to try out the AMD stock cooler before buying/installing a water cooler for the CPU, the reviews for it were actually pretty good, but its too noisy for me, it has 2...
  14. D

    [SOLVED] Two of the same 2X8 kits - 32g in total - issues?

    thank every1 for commenting. I decided to take TJ's advice and wait, i'll stay with my 16g and worst-case scenario I'll sell them in the future and get a 32 kit.
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    [SOLVED] Two of the same 2X8 kits - 32g in total - issues?

    at the moment i dont need it, but i'm thinking a little about future-proofing... I change PC's every 5-7 years, i try to future proof as much as possible. there's also a chance i'll changing my programming direction to gaming, working with unity or others, so i would need more mem. or if u want...