Recent content by elitemasta3000

  1. E

    [SOLVED] RTX 2080 TI not displaying video, please help!

    I think your GPU is damages, first check if your PSU is powerful enough for your GPU. If your PSU is clearly strong enough then take it in to get it replaced or repaired.
  2. E

    [SOLVED] How high could I take my Graphic's card upgrade?

    Use MSI AFTERBURNER to check CPU usage during a heavy CPU game. Something like Battlefield V or GTA is perfect. AC Odyssey is also a good one. If your CPU usage is higher than 70% on average then no. If your CPU goes up to 80% on occasion than it is probably okay as long as you're playing a CPU...
  3. E

    [SOLVED] Can I upgrade my graphics card

    Maybe and here is why, you might be able to do a 2060 super as long as your not overclocking due to the PSU but temps will be a problem. If you get a 2060 super, make sure it has REALLY good cooling, get an expensive one to make sure it works. You may need to get a new PSU but that shouldn't be...
  4. E

    [SOLVED] New MSI RTX 2070 super no display connection to monitor

    do you have intel drivers installed? if you remove the card and boot with the mobo plugged in does it give picture? If it works with no gpu then you either have to update bios or uninstall intel drivers
  5. E

    Question GPU Won't Display Despite Me Making Sure Everything Works Properly and Together

    Tried a 650 80+ bronze corsair, still didn't work.
  6. E

    Question GPU Won't Display Despite Me Making Sure Everything Works Properly and Together

    The old GPU was a GTX 1060 3gb, the GTX 650 has a six pin power connector which I have plugged in and made sure it is plugged in.
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    Question GPU Won't Display Despite Me Making Sure Everything Works Properly and Together

    I have an HP pre built that I removed the GPU from. I sold the GPU as I rarely game anymore. I Decided to put my GTX 650 in which has a slightly lower TDP. The GPU won't display picture despite the fact that I have removed all drivers, Made sure the pc works without the GPU, made sure the...
  8. E

    Question Display wont show 2k

    Also check what resolution your pc is trying to run it at off of boot, It could be trying to run it at some stupid resolution or something IDK.
  9. E

    [SOLVED] RTX 2080 TI not displaying video, please help!

    ok I may have some ideas, if you are not getting any display at all with the GPU in, your best bet is to make sure the rest of the computer works. Since you have intel you have onboard graphics so this is my best idea. Remove the GPU from your system completely (make sure not to break any parts...
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    Low GPU Usage

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    Low GPU Usage

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    Low GPU Usage