Recent content by Hasley

  1. H

    [SOLVED] Does fan speed matter?

    I'd say you'd probably like to keep your cpu running within a good temperature range. Possibly 50 - 65 ish. If you want to reduce your fan speeds, etc. Because of noise or excess power, already good temperatures. Yes you can do this, just watch your temperatures whilst gaming for the first few...
  2. H

    [SOLVED] Not sure why PC will not start....

    If there is no lights or sounds from the motherboard and the fans are off, not spinning or lighting up, I would be inclined to agree yes it could be the motherboard. Especially, because pre-built pcs aren't exactly a swap in swap out systems and little things will bug them alot, yes including...
  3. H

    Port forwarding issues. Strict NAT

    Give your ISP a call, they will know what is affecting your Nat Type. Especially if it is a modem provided by them.
  4. H

    How to change NAT type?

    I would recommend you call your ISP and talk to them directly about NAT. If you have tried everything you can on your side, this is probably the best option. Their support team should know exactly what about their service affects customers NAT's and will be able to assist you further from their...
  5. H

    I Cannot Port Forward (NAT Type)

    So after phoning my ISP, they have told me it was because I have a Static IP Address on their end. They recommend to me that I should use a Dynamic IP Address and that it could be converted within 24 Hours. It worked within the following hour and my Nat Type is now Open. Things you can do...
  6. H

    I Cannot Port Forward (NAT Type)

    Same here, I am going to phone my ISP, I'll let you know what they say.
  7. H

    [SOLVED] How will my pc perform

    Yes, that should be more than well enough for your needs. Just make sure that you are not cutting any corners and are getting quality hardware such as, Quality PSU (80+ Cert, Right Wattage and Good Reviews) Not the cheapest and unfamiliar branded SSD's. Quality CPU Cooler and Case Fans. A suited...
  8. H

    [SOLVED] How could I Improve my PC? (for making gaming videos)

    I would recommend you get an upgrade on the CPU, it isn't a bottle neck for gaming however when it comes to recording game footage it plays a crucial role. Running your games off and SSD will make a difference as well.
  9. H

    [SOLVED] Cpu bottlenecking help

    Your CPU is likely bottlenecking yes, some games are particularly CPU Intensive, which can cause an imbalance like this. There are some alternatives to buying new parts, such as turning down CPU Intensive settings, which is not likely to impact your graphics experience. I'm not sure what...
  10. H

    Can someone build me a gaming pc?

    You could buy a Pre-Built in a store and buy the extra peripherals Alternatively I would recommend you go to a store where, you have the freedom to pick your own parts and instead pay them to build it. I could recommend you some parts and peripherals, which you could then send through to a store...
  11. H

    Windows 10 computer blackscreens when connected to graphics card VGA

    Uninstall graphics card drivers (without graphics card in). Then put the graphics card in again and boot.
  12. H

    i7 4790k or i5 6600k for gaming next 4 years

    Hey there mate. 1. i7 4790k would be okay, however the i5 6600k would be a greater choice as the upgradeability will be greater due to new i7's lowering price in next 4 years etc. i7 6700k and other reasons. 2. Yes higher bandwidth will make a difference most likely within the next four years...