Recent content by Iamnotraiden

  1. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Stock cooler or other cooler for overclocking R5 3500?

    Would the stock cooler be enough to handle the temperature of the processor after it is overclocked? Or should I buy any other budget cooler since I am very tight on budget. I currently saw Ant Esports ICE-C612 and it looked good. I can buy any budget cooler if required as long it does not look...
  2. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    Tbh, I won't upgrade my PC within atleast 4 years after I make this build. So I think buying the MSI b450m pro vdh max would suffice my wants and not go on fire right?
  3. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] About Installing windows 10

    I have a pc currently, I would copy the windows file downloaded from the official site to the bootable pen drive. Then I would buy another PC. I would insert that pen drive to the new pc and install the windows. I want to know if then I would get free access to windows forever and even get...
  4. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] INR 45000 build (Indian rupees)

    I would build the pc in like 1 month from now but I just want to know what components would be best in the cost. Please use Indian pricing because prices here are different here than US. I want a CPU,GPU,mobo,16gigs ram,cabinet and PSU. Storage and other peripherals not required.(if the cabinet...
  5. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] About Installing windows 10

    Features like personalising won't be there right? But if I get it free forever I can live with that. Would I also get normal windows updates and update the windows defender as well?
  6. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] About Installing windows 10

    If I make a pendrive bootable and then download windows into the pendrive, would I be able to use the pendrive to install windows and then use my pc normally? I know that an activate to windows watermark would be there but would I be able to use my pc just like that without paying anything?
  7. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    Yeah but the problem is 3300x is completely out of stock everywhere here in India :(
  8. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    Does the 3500 and not 3500x also run the way you said, without overclock?
  9. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    In India, i3 10100f is INR 8500+ h410 is INR 6000 so total 14500 And ryzen 5 3500 is INR 12000 + a MSI b450m pro vdh max is INR 6000 but I have a friend who has a new one unopened so he would give it for INR 3000, this INR 15000 total and moreover I can use the 3200mhz capacity of my rams and...
  10. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    I won't buy the X, I would buy just the 3500 which does not have integrated graphics
  11. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    whats VRM FET? and i would upgrade my pc only after using it for like 5 years
  12. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Are all b450 motherboards capable of handling Ryzen 5 3500 after over locking?

    I was thinking of buying i3 10100f but the 3500 really lured me towards it because though it is a little more priced than i3, but the motherboard for it would cost less. And I also want to overclock the ryzen 3500 and pair it with 1650 super. So since I am on a budget, I want to know that if I...
  13. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Does H410M H (rev. 1.0) have a rgb header?

    Which mobo should I buy as I am on a budget. Which h410 mobo has a RGB header and looks somewhat better if not very good.
  14. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] What is led pin and does any h410 motherboard have it?

    Thanks your answer really cleared my doubts
  15. Iamnotraiden

    [SOLVED] Does H410M H (rev. 1.0) have a rgb header?

    does it have an argb header or rgb header for the fans of a tower