I would guess that within the century computers will be fast enough to be able to produce a 3D image greater than that which the eye can process in greater than real time. Sound will be produced through 1000+ channels which will commonly be build into wall panels, floor tiles, and the ceiling...
That seems like a lot of system for non HD editing. What are you planning on doing that requires so much power?
I would also look at Canopus, their cards also seem to be among the higher performing "budget friendly" cards.
If you are going to be purchasing a capture card of that caliber, you should check to see what the requirements/recommendations are. Some of them have rather demanding specs and recommend raid arrays and workstation gfx.
I would think that you would want at least a 24" monitor so that you can view the hd content in its native resolution. Maybe a nice hd tv would work as well in addition to something like a 20" for all of the other functions. Make sure that the screen is calibrated properly so that 4:4:4 color...
When switching between dual and single monitors, how do you save the positioning of the monitors so I do not have to reorient the two monitors under display properties settings?
would it be worth while to get 2x2gb such as these patriot ones since he does not want to have to pay to upgrade xp in a year. and obviously that would determine the os.
Thanks, I did not even notice the option for a side fan. Is there enough height with the the ultra-120?
What would be a good fan for that and the tower?
he needs a computer for school, so that kind of limits his wait options. from what i have read, all the new stuff is at least 4-6 months out and with delays, who knows.
A few specific questions I had:
1) is the psu powerful enough or is there a better one that is cheaper? I think it should...
After building my first pc last summer, my friend has asked me to help him with his first build. He has a budget of $2500-3000 for a complete system (monitors, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and box), but of course does not have to spend that much. He will be using this system for gaming and...
it certainly sounds a lot better on my home theater system, especially when listening to music and movies. I did not notice any skips or substantially off notes.
How much would it cost to build a decent 2.1 speaker setup from scratch? It would maybe give me a bigger budget as it could...
i want to replace the stock fans on a TT armor case. Since I have a fairly heavy oc I want to be able to crank the fans up when necessary, but for my non gaming and encoding needs, i do not want my fans to drown out my audio. I need 3 120s and 2 92mm fans. Preferably ones that can be turned...