I have an xfi xtrememusic card, which to the best of my knowledge is not my problem. The other specs are in my sig. What I think the problem is are my logitech Z4 speakers http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121130.
When watching a movie, playing a game, or listening to music, there are many obvious audio mysteries that distract my from whatever i am doing. So, with a budget of about $250, how would you suggest to fix my problem? I am no audiophile, but just want to be able to watch a movie without distactions. I would probably like a 2.1 system, since setting up a 5.1 or 7.1 system for under $500 seems like it would be a downgrade and nightmare to setup to get the full expirence.
When watching a movie, playing a game, or listening to music, there are many obvious audio mysteries that distract my from whatever i am doing. So, with a budget of about $250, how would you suggest to fix my problem? I am no audiophile, but just want to be able to watch a movie without distactions. I would probably like a 2.1 system, since setting up a 5.1 or 7.1 system for under $500 seems like it would be a downgrade and nightmare to setup to get the full expirence.