My Ears are Not Happy :(


Jul 6, 2006
I have an xfi xtrememusic card, which to the best of my knowledge is not my problem. The other specs are in my sig. What I think the problem is are my logitech Z4 speakers

When watching a movie, playing a game, or listening to music, there are many obvious audio mysteries that distract my from whatever i am doing. So, with a budget of about $250, how would you suggest to fix my problem? I am no audiophile, but just want to be able to watch a movie without distactions. I would probably like a 2.1 system, since setting up a 5.1 or 7.1 system for under $500 seems like it would be a downgrade and nightmare to setup to get the full expirence.

What are these audio mysteries you speak of though? A lot of people state they have hissing coming from their speakers which distract and annoy them. If that's the case turn down your speakers and increase the volume on your computer. Most people don't realize that the audio hissing is because their speakers are on full blast. By simply turning it down a few notches the hissing disappears.

But if that isn't the problem I'd like to hear it to see if I could help...But yea..Regarding new speakers better listen to someone else..I've switched to headsets for some time and out of the loop concerning audio speakers.
My family has a fairly good home theater system and keyboard, both of which sound about the same to me. In comparison, although I realize that I am not going to get the same quality from $250 speakers as from a $10k setup, some parts of movies and music sound noticably off (im not quite sure how to describe it other than that there seems to be a jump between 2 consecutive sounds that should not be there. for example, lest say you were to play A, B, C, but it sounded like A, static, C. The "static" section sounds like it wants to show up but its delayed and ends up getting skipped." Unfortunately, my pc is rather loud (which I plan to fix this summer) so I do not have the pleasure of hearing the slight hissing if there is any. 🙁 The other day I tried to hook my keyboard up to my pc to do some recording, and the sound difference between my keyboard speakers and computer speakers was quite noticable, which surprised me considering the speakers were integrated into the keyboard. It bothered me so much that I gave up and figured I would do it later since the recording program required that it play through my pc speakers.

This pretty much describes my problems, so any help would be appriciated.
Hmmm..If it sounded different (as in better and those missed segments audible) on the keyboard then yea...I'd suggest getting new speakers. Does your keyboard connect to the same output of your soundcard that the speakers hooked up to? or was it through usb?

Reason I ask this is if it was USB then it has it's own built it sound card for the keyboard. Just like how my headphones run through a USB connector (I have a Sennhesier headset). But just to tell you...Even with a budget of 250..You will see a world of difference compared to a pair of 70 dollar ones. Most speakers around 200 and up for computers are pretty damn fantastic.
also of note- home theater and tx have it a bit easier. the sound for them is decided and just has to be decoded. The sound in an online game is developed during game play and is dependant on server ping back as well. so things will skip and miss from time to time from that as well. also if your KB speakers sound better than your regular ones you likley need new ones.

good luck
If you were to compare the Z4 speakers and the keyboard speakers to a real piano, it is quite obviously in favor of the keyboard speakers, even without having a piano to compare directly to. I figured it was a speaker deficit so which would you reccomend for about $250. Without listening to them, I see no real way to compare so any insight would be helpful.

You can upgrade the speakers that can equal the sound card. I have 2.1 ProMedia from Klipsch with X-Fi sound card and it's the best 2.1 system I currently own. The set is around $130.
well he said his budget was 250 so better to go with a 4 speaker system. Much nicer. Although I don't know the current trends in audio hopefully someone else can present you with some nice and tasty newegg links ^.^
you could always take the most cost effective, and typically better sounding route... which is to find a way to route the sound from your PC, to your familys HT setup (1/8" to rca analog stereo adapters work here, or coaxial/optical connections can too)... ...if doing that ends up being too inconvenient however, and ends up not working out at all... then i would go with just purchasing a decent 2.1 or 5.1 set (cant offer much help as to which PC sets though)
Since my mom things that it is necessary to change the furniture rather frequently, I will have to stick with a setup that fits on my desk, so I dont thinks I could use a 4 or 5 speaker setup. Also, with my budget I would end up with similar quality speakers to what I have now which I am not happy with.

Any other suggestions as to which speakers?

I would recommend that, if logistically possible, you hook your PC up to a home stereo aplifier and speakers and then see if you still get the same issue regarding 'missing' bit of sound. It would be worth doing before shelling out on speakers whent the speakers may not be the problem.
it certainly sounds a lot better on my home theater system, especially when listening to music and movies. I did not notice any skips or substantially off notes.

How much would it cost to build a decent 2.1 speaker setup from scratch? It would maybe give me a bigger budget as it could qualify as "educational," like my computer. If this would be a good path, could you give me a link to a reputable source?

For 250, you can afford a really great system void of the supid fuzzy gaps.
I have the same card as you.

1.) Buy a lower end (you just want 2.1 anyway) receiver from a good company such as Yamaha. This will cost you $50-100.

2.) On ebay, purchase some old, but great speakers, such as that from B&0, or B&W, or w/e to your liking. Just because they are 10 years old, does not mean they are out dated. Doesn't work that way, not really, as far as speakers go.

3.) Plug in any woofer, or use the bass you get with those great speakers you picked up on ebay.

There all done.
I find this to be the most optimal setup for my computer since it gives me more flexibility as far as speakers go, and more fine tuning and sound cleanup.
how hard is it to build speakers? And if it is not too terribly difficult, would it be worth the extra work financially? it may be fun :)
I have 2.1 ProMedia from Klipsch with X-Fi sound card and it's the best 2.1 system I currently own. The set is around $130.

I agree.

Either the Klipsch 2.1 ProMedia or if you can get your hands on the Klipsch iFi, which use the reference series RSX3 bookshelf speakers as its speakers. The iFi also has a better subwoofer than the 2.1 ProMedia. So if you can find either of those 2, they will not disappoint!

2.1 ProMedia is around $150 on the net
iFi is around $300+ on the net
T-amp Class-D portable amplifier= $40-50 w/ the AC adaptor.

Combine it with various bookshelf speakers, depending on your budget. The AV123 X-LS is very popular in the $200 price range. The accuracy is off the charts--60-20KHz +/- 1.7db. You won't find any speaker this accurate with bass response down to 40hz (-10db) at this price range.

I believe SVS, Hsu also provide speakers with accuracy in this price range although neither company's product has a stand alone bookshelf with bass response as low as the X-LS.

I'm personally saving up money for the new $860 Ascend Sierra-1s with bamboo enclosures ^_^
I'm personally saving up money for the new $860 Ascend Sierra-1s with bamboo enclosures ^_^

OMG I hate you :evil:

I hope you enjoy them. I really do idolize Ascend, but its a bit out of my price range 🙁

Xl-s are up my alley.