Recent content by KeelinTy

  1. K

    Intel core i3 7th gen vs Intel core i5 4/5 gen for Gaming

    All will work with a GTX 1050 as long as there is a pci slot. Now. Onto performance, an i5 4690k will outperform any of the 7th gen i3s because it is true 4 cores, while the i3 is dual core with hyperthreading. If you can get a good deal on a 4690k then I would take it, they overclock decently too
  2. K

    Cpu not working.

    Reseat the cpu
  3. K

    Blue screen down

  4. K

    [SOLVED] System not powering up but mobo light is on

    Do you have another psu laying around you can test, it might be a bad power supply
  5. K

    Power Limit Mod had no effect!

    Hmmm. Well, the 40% usage could be caused by your display, what's your res and refresh? How are your temps and temp limit?
  6. K

    Problem with PC booting

    Have another psu laying around you can throw in for a week to see if that fixes the issue?
  7. K

    Power Limit Mod had no effect!

    If you want to go over your stock power limit, I would suggest a custom bios, Ive made my own a few times with my 980tis and could set the power limit to whatever the hell I wanted, typically 140% since 980ti yeah. If you do a custom bios for the 1070 you should be able to get more overclocks...
  8. K

    stuttering problem while playing games also low fps

    Are all your drivers up to date? What if you try without any overclock and everything set to stock? Let me know how those work if you try them
  9. K

    CPU close to throttling after re-applying AS5 compound?

    Is there enough mounting pressure on the waterblock? Either the pump isn't working hard enough or there's not enough mounting pressure, I'm leading towards mounting pressure since you say the pump kicks on and even at min speed it will cpu the cpu cooler than that, especially at idle
  10. K

    Z10PA-D8 too less Fan/Pump sockets

    If you're fine with a little bit of noise, you could get a molex to fan header adapter and plug the pumps into those, or you could get a fan controller unit, either 5.25 bay unit or a small one that sits in the back of the case
  11. K

    [SOLVED] System not powering up but mobo light is on

    What ac adapter are you talking about? Images? Or are you talking about the power cable that goes into the PSU from the wall? If you're talking about the wall cable, have you tried a different socket?
  12. K

    Monitor Power Button Flickering

    If its hot then a lot of current has been flowing through it, sounds like there's a short somewhere, the new adapter could've fu*cked something over
  13. K

    gtx 1060 msi armor weird boost clock!!

    Hmm sounds very weird. What power supply do you have in your system?
  14. K

    what should i up grade first ?

    It really depends on what workloads you have. If you do more CPU intensive stuff like editing videos and rendering, then upgrade the cpu first. If you do more gaming, grab a newer GPU and then overclock the shit out of that pentium for the best performance until you can grab a new cpu. Ive...