Recent content by MystoPigz

  1. MystoPigz

    Fans for Pushing A Hovercraft

    Hi Tom's Hardware community, What is the best type of fan to use to push a hovercraft with a skirt forward? I've tested static airflow, static pressure, and 2-fin rc propellers, but they haven't been able to push a ~1 lb hovercraft I put together. What fans would I buy/make?
  2. MystoPigz

    Arduino Pro Mini On a NavX

    Hey Tom's Hardware community. I want to create a custom MXP board with an Arduino Pro Mini that would go on top of a NavX. I am confused on which pins on the Arduino connect to which pins on the MXP DIO breakout, even after look at the pinout diagrams of both. Can I get some clarification on...
  3. MystoPigz

    College Major Related to VR BMI

    Hey Tom's Hardware community, What college major(s) are related to the research and development of virtual reality brain-machine interfaces? I am interested in going into that field in the future (Am a current high school student). I want to help with the development of a device that can...
  4. MystoPigz

    BENQ XL2411 Not running on more than 65 hertz

    Did you try going to "Display Adapter Properties" in Windows? Just go to "Display Settings," then "Advanced Settings," then "Display Adapter Properties." -MystoPigz
  5. MystoPigz

    Best headphones for gaming?

    If you want the "gaming" headphones, then the HyperX Cloud II is your best bet. But, I would recommend getting regular stereo headphones with a modmic (Ex: Sennheiser HD 598 + Modmic). You get better quality than MOST "gaming" headphones (Including the HyperX Cloud II). -MystoPigz
  6. MystoPigz

    Why a psu

    The power supply in a PC takes the power from the outlet and distributes it to all your PC components. It converts AC (Alternating current) into a low-voltage DC (Direct current), which is usable by the computer. Without it, your components will not work. -MystoPigz
  7. MystoPigz

    Which should I build?

    Go with system 2. There is less of a bottleneck between the CPU and GPU, and the 6th generation CPU would be good for future compatibility. The GTX 1060 is perfect for 1080p gaming at 60Hz. But, I would get dual channel RAM instead of single channel. -MystoPigz
  8. MystoPigz

    which gpu is the best for gaming? gtx 750ti or sapphire RX 460?

    How long down the road will you be getting a 1060? Because there is really no point in buying any of these if that is an option. But, if you have to choose, get the AMD RX 460. -MystoPigz
  9. MystoPigz

    screen turns suddenly turns black for couple seconds

    Try making sure that your cables are connected properly and not loose. -MystoPigz
  10. MystoPigz

    Replacing GPU/CPU Questions

    Just make sure your graphics card fits in your case. The difference bewteen the i5-4440 and the i7-4770S really depends on what you do on your PC. If you are gaming, then probably not a huge difference on MOST games, but will make a difference on some. If you are doing stuff like video...
  11. MystoPigz

    How many watts would this pc need?

    Max would be around 400 watts, so get a power supply that is 450+ watts. -MystoPigz
  12. MystoPigz

    Asus VG248 Browser problems 144hz

    Yeah, I had the same problem as you. The trick is to go into your web browser settings and turn off hardware acceleration. This has nothing to do with cables (Or even drivers I think). Hope this helps! -MystoPigz
  13. MystoPigz

    Which OS To install? XP, 7 Or vista?

    How old is the laptop? If it is 4-5+ years old and is really, really slow, I suggest getting a new laptop. If it is less than 3 years a fresh install of windows 7... -MystoPigz
  14. MystoPigz

    Will a new card fit my machine?

    All your components are compatible with graphics cards like the GTX 980+. You just have to make sure the graphics card(s) you are buying fits inside your mini-ITX case. -MystoPigz
  15. MystoPigz

    How do I keep my PC Fast?

    Delete unnecessary applications. Don't go to fishy websites. Get applications for virus and malware removal. Clean your PC (dust). By the way, RAM and memory are the same. "Storage" is used to describe the hard drives and SSDs. :D -MystoPigz