Recent content by najimurad

  1. najimurad

    Question XMP not booting. Post code 55. :/

    I have cleared CMOS and only configured date and time. I have ensured it booted fine without XMP and everything went fine. After enabling XMP, it still posts 55. Any suggestions?
  2. najimurad

    Question XMP not booting. Post code 55. :/

    To be honest I didn't want to reconfigure my BIOS profiles. :tearsofjoy: But, in that case I'll do it now.
  3. najimurad

    Question XMP not booting. Post code 55. :/

    Hello everyone! I've been using my build for 2 years now with the specs below. My old RAM I got from an older build is great but I found 3200mhz sticks for sale on Amazon (specs also below) so I figured it would be a good upgrade from my 2133mhz chips. I put them on slots A1 and B1 and enabled...
  4. najimurad

    [SOLVED] Analog Speaker Connection

    No, but if I turn down the volume to the point where the humming is not bothering, you can't hear the person paging.
  5. najimurad

    [SOLVED] Analog Speaker Connection

    Hello! This isn't home audio but I thought it was the closest category to my issue. In my workplace there are analog speakers built into the ceiling. I am trying to make a paging system. The Valcom input box allows analog rj11 connector, or 2 pin mono connection. As for the input, I have a VoIP...
  6. najimurad

    [SOLVED] File Explorer Issues

    After following the link's instruction the dism as shown the image is healthy. It didn't happen after an installation.
  7. najimurad

    [SOLVED] File Explorer Issues

    In safe mode, everything including file explorer is functioning. I've even tried multi-tasking with right clicking and I have never seen file explorer running so smoothly.
  8. najimurad

    [SOLVED] File Explorer Issues

    I have an m.2 ssd. I tried a virus scan and it showed everything was fine. I ran a test on everything hardware wise and nothing seems out of the ordinary, PC runs flawlessly on every other app. The issue is software but I can't see to rule out the culprit.
  9. najimurad

    [SOLVED] File Explorer Issues

    Hi! I looked at the other posts and while all seem to have the same problem, the solutions don't work. I have file explorer pinned on the taskbar, pressing on it does nothing, if anything it opens around 8 minutes later. To open file explorer I would have to type it in the Start menu. When...
  10. najimurad

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Wiring

    Thanks for your reply. I have CAT5, as of my knowledge CAT5E, as you said, can go to up to 1gbps, and CAT5 can go to 100mbps. Most internet usage is on the other side of the house and I cant move the modem.
  11. najimurad

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Wiring

    Hi! My house is equipped with CAT5 Ethernet cables through the walls. I have about 1 gbps from the modem and running ethernet from there to the other side of the house lowers the speed down to 30 mbps. I would like to remove one CAT5 cable and replace it with CAT6A to get better speeds. I have...