Recent content by Nuno Silva

  1. N http error 504

    Whatever it was stoped happening. Solved
  2. N http error 504

    Hello, When I try to access with chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) I get an http error 504. However I can access with Opera but with it's builtin VPN on only works fine though. Got no adblockers and cleared cookies.
  3. N

    2 PCs 1 WIFI AC Adapter

    You can connect one pc to another with a crossover ethernet cable as long as both have a network port.
  4. N

    Is this network card compatible

    Try with another network cable, some older cables are caped at 10 mb/s
  5. N

    What happens when u try to boot up ur pc with no ram

    You already found out what happens: No boot, computer just restarts and gives you an error code through beeps. The number of beeps depends on which motherboard you have, refer to your motherboard manual for what those beep codes are and their meaning.
  6. N

    Is this a sign of a dead motherboard?

    It looks like either the motherboard or the cpu died. However can't say for sure wich one.
  7. N

    Is this a sign of a dead motherboard?

    Might be the a lot of things, it might even be a short circuit somewhere. To get a better diagnostic, connect a PC Speaker (you should have one in your computer case) to the motherboard so during the Power On Self Test you can listen to the error beep code. Refer to your motherboard manual to...
  8. N

    Nvidia Display Driver Crashing And Recovering At Desktop

    Maybe this will work for you, it worked for me, goto nvidia control panel, manage 3D settings, Power management Mode and change from Adaptive to Prefer Maximum Performance. Hope it helps
  9. N

    "display driver has stopped responding and has recovered windows 8(R)" nvidia geforce gtx 960 & Windows 10

    I had this same problem and a sugestion I read elsewhere worked for me: Goto nvidia control pannel - manage 3D settings - Power management mode - change to "Prefer maximum performance" Hope this helps
  10. N

    Overclock Core 2 Duo E7500 @ 2.93GHz

    Your main concern is really a concern. To achieve a hi and stable overclock you need a stable power supply and, maybe a good 450w would be enough by I never heard of that psu. Assing that your motherboard has only 4 or 6 power phases it will be hard to achieve 4ghz. Add to the matter that with...
  11. N

    Upgrading my GPU

    Before uninstalling the 7480D you should do a system restore so if anything fails you can recover easily.
  12. N

    Geforce experience optimization

    I dont have a modern pc and it tends to put the more demanding games with settings too low. I personally dont like it.
  13. N

    what would be the difference in performance if i use nvidia gt 630 in pcie 1.1

    I have a gts450 and cannot record with fraps with full screen
  14. N

    Removed and readded GPU, no longer working

    Probably you just did something wrong when reassembling the computer. If you have a pcspeaker in your case, connect it to the motherboard, it will give you beep codes on boot that help diagnose the problem. My guess is that either the ram or the graphics card are not correctly inserted. Try to...
  15. N

    what would be the difference in performance if i use nvidia gt 630 in pcie 1.1

    It will work. The only difference is when you need extra brandwith like when recording a game with fraps, you wont be able to do it. Except that it will run fine.