Recent content by raindroppilot

  1. raindroppilot

    Question Intel i9-13900k temperature spikes seem odd

    I would say that it is a reporting error that is making it seem as if temperatures are spiking. The reporting frequency for temperatures is not second-to-second. It might be every 5-7 seconds, for example. If that's the case then you might be getting temperature increases that are being cooled...
  2. raindroppilot

    Question Any way to tell if a DP or HDMI output port is 4k compatible?

    It is safe to assume that your I/O will support whatever your hardware supports. The limiting factor will most likely be the HDMI/DP cable and the output device itself.
  3. raindroppilot

    Question PC lagging in file/web/system browsers

    How did it go, mate?
  4. raindroppilot

    Question PC lagging in file/web/system browsers

    It has to do with your mechanical drive. Every time you utilize something OS related the drive will power itself on so the OS can utilize it if needed. I used to have this issue. It actually isn't an issue, its just an unintended consequence of having a mechanical drive along side SSD. I haven't...
  5. raindroppilot

    Question Hi toms hardware

    Sounds like it is a Destiny issue. I have never played Destiny so I am unfamiliar with its settings or what technology it utilizes. If that is the only game you are having issues with then it is probably safe to say that your hardware is fine.
  6. raindroppilot

    Question Memory and Upgrade Help.

    The Ryzen 5 7600 is good at its price point. At higher price points than that I see Intel as better value.
  7. raindroppilot

    Question Hi toms hardware

    Have you tried running a benchmark tool like 3D Mark? Do you only get the stuttering in a certain game, or all of them?
  8. raindroppilot

    Question Memory and Upgrade Help.

    I would recommend going for a whole new system. That Intel platform is so old that it isn't even worth upgrading your processor to an i7. I would recommend Ryzen 5 or 7 with 16GB of RAM. The more RAM you can afford the better. If you don't intend on gaming then there is no problem carrying over...
  9. raindroppilot

    Question Ok So When playing a graphically intensive game- Tarkov, Destiny 2- Pc Blackscreens then have to restart

    If this was problem then the PSU safety would turn it off. The computer would not continue running with a black screen with a PSU issue. I still believe this is a heat issue and since it is a pre-built the temperature limits are set abnormally low. Is this the system you have by any chance?
  10. raindroppilot

    Question Changing the GPU when you don't have an integrated GPU on the CPU

    It should still be fine, don't stress.
  11. raindroppilot

    Question Changing the GPU when you don't have an integrated GPU on the CPU

    When you boot up into Windows for the first time with your new graphics card in it will auto install some older stable drivers. From there you can do a clean install and upgrade to the newest version.
  12. raindroppilot

    Discussion Laptop that can easily handle 21 000 page documents

    Asus Zenbook Pro 17 UM6702 for around $1,700 EURO would be what I would be looking at. Great form factor that is comfortable to do professional work with a 17" screen at 2560x1440. Configured Ryzen 9 CPU and 32GB of RAM from the factory which will be comfortable in any professional environment...
  13. raindroppilot

    Question Ok So When playing a graphically intensive game- Tarkov, Destiny 2- Pc Blackscreens then have to restart

    By the looks of it, this is a pre-built HP system. It is quite likely that HP from the factory have the CPU limit temperature set low to avoid people frying their hardware accidentially. You should be able to change this in the BIOS to a value above 70. To prevent any damage I would recommend...
  14. raindroppilot

    Question Linux vs Windows power consumption

    In my own experience Windows does tend to be a bit better on power consumption, but its mostly insignificant. The real difference I have seen is any usage that requires hardware acceleration (watching Youtube for example) which is where Windows tends to be significantly better due to better...
  15. raindroppilot

    Question Ok So When playing a graphically intensive game- Tarkov, Destiny 2- Pc Blackscreens then have to restart

    This is usually what happens when you have a heat issue. Install something that tracks your temperatures and let us know how things go. It also helps to know specs, and if you have a laptop or desktop.