Recent content by vesa01

  1. V

    [SOLVED] dual channel not working

    My motherboard is gigabyte ga-78LMT and I have checked the manual slots 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 should be used for dual channel configuration and that's what I have been using and it had worked and dual channel was operational. Two days ago I had to disconnect one of the memory chips and when I put...
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    [SOLVED] dual channel not working

    I have 2x4gb memory kit in my computer and it has worked just fine until now it recognizes only 4 gb of memory. It knows that there is memory installed in both banks but it just keeps using only 4 gb. I then put the other module to the same channel and now it recognizes that there is 8 gb of...
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    Slow hard drive after motherboard change

    I have two hd:s in my system Wd20eads and st1000dm003 and according to crystal speed test, writing is expecially slow in westerdigital. Seagate speed seems to be normal and read in wester digital but writing seems to be very slow.
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    Slow hard drive after motherboard change

    I changed motherboard a month ago and since then my hard drive has worked slower. It can take about half an hour to start the computer. I have also other computers and I have noticed that it takes much longer to start same games in this computer than in other computers. The difference is big. I...
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    hard drive isn't powered in boot

    I haven't yet tried these jumper solutions and that firmware patch solution. I have now borrowed another hard disk from another computer and it too was recognized and was shown in the bios. I think that the least time comsuming thing to do is to buy a new hd (preferrably something bigger and...
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    hard drive isn't powered in boot

    Well after further testing I discovered that the hard disk worked fine when it was connected to an another computer. Also I borrowed a hard drive from another computer and attached that to this motherboard, it also worked fine. Now it seems that the Msi motherboard and Samsung hd don't like each...
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    hard drive isn't powered in boot

    I have Msi 970A-G45 motherboard and Samsung hd502hj 500gb sata hard drive. The problem is that the hard drive doesn't get powered in boot. It stays silent. At first I noticed that bios didn't show hard disk and after many checks I noticed that It wasn't even running. Then I tried the following...
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    Is port forwarding risk when trying to run a Bf2 server

    I was thinking about setting up a Battlefield 2 gameserver. I must therefore set up a static ip address and open ports that are required by the game. Is it possible that opening those ports might be a security risk. Is it possible that someone might try to access my computer through those ports?
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    How to check your windows 7 drivers certificate

    I have this issue in my win7 64bit computer that it won't start windows 7 normally. I have to press f8 to access boot menu and choose bybass driver certificate check, then it starts. Obviously there must be something wrong with the certificate of some driver. Is there any way to check which...
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    Memory population rules

    I have this offer where one 8 gb chip is in offer at a reasonable price. Could I use this one chip in my computer or does it have to be 2x4 kit.
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    Memory population rules

    I have this msi (970A-G43) motherboard with 4 ddr3 memory slots. Currently they are occupied by two 2 gb memory chips. They are using dual channel as they are identical and installed that way. I want to add more memory up to 8 gb. I was wondering If I could simply buy one 4 gb memory and plug...
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    How to stop Windows 7 start

    Maybe I need a new video card or motherboards pci-e interface doesn't work properly althoug my spare video card works fine but it's just some cheap low-end card.
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    How to stop Windows 7 start

    I have problems with my display adapter, It sometimes just doesn't work and the monitor is off. Windows 7 still starts and loads everything. Then I have to wait until it's fully loaded and that takes about 4-5 minutes and only then can I switch the computer off. If I switch off when It's loading...
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    Kingston ddr2 memory issue

    Well I went to bios and changed this setting concerning some ecc correction (or something like that). Its was set to None and I changed it to Max. So far no freezing has occured even in those situations when they always happened. I don't know excactly was It that change that helped or was it...