I have an asus rog rx 570 4gb which i bought second hand a year ago and since a few months, my power usage keeps dropping whenever my gpu is at a 100% utilization,
whenever i try to mine/play games at high settings my power consumption will go to a 120W and then drop suddenly to 25W making my...
I have a fairly new pc which I build around ,2 years ago but recently I've been getting 'no signal' or 'entering power saving mode' on my pc everytime I try to play certain games for example : Euro truck simulator 2. Whenever I play ETS 2 it just seems to go into no signal in the first few...
i do not have a different system with me rn but i tried using a windows 10 virtual machine with dual screens enabled and it worked perfectly fine there
my monitor is a dell in2020m,the strange thing is,both the dell one and my second asus monitor work fine when they are individually plugged in but if you they are plugged in simultaneously to extend display,the issue comes up again,i also tried booting it with linux and it works fine on linux
Sorry For the Late Reply,i was out of town for a while
I do have windows dark mode enabled but the night light is disabled also the contrast is actually low and not high,it appears to have a whitish tint on any media i play,it happens 1/2 seconds after i play the media so i was able to take a...
Hey,i tried that but it does not seem to work.however,i figured out what is causing the problem,it's my second monitor,this issue only arises when i have my second monitor plugged in,also,disabling hardware accelaration in chrome seems to fix the problem in chrome but on the other browsers and...
Hello There,
I noticed this issue recently on my pc that whenever i open any media - netflix,prime video,youtube,media player etc,the screen is at the original color but after 1 or 2 seconds the screen contrast increases and stays there until the video ends,i dont have a laptop so there are no...
Hello There,
All my games keep crashing after 10-15 minutes of gameplay. somethings it says game.exe has stopped working and sometimes there is no error message at all and just randomly crashed to the desktop,i'm having this problem from 2-3 days and this occurred suddenly without any reason...