
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with 500w.
  1. K

    Is this a good 144hz build? GTX 1060 Intel

    Hey guys please add anything or completely remake my pc if you have too! http://pcpartpicker.com/list/rPkwzM Thanks! :)
  2. G

    Make a repeater out of a access point?

    Hi guys! I want to buy an access point (i've stepped away from repeaters since they half your connection speed), because i have poor to no signal on the 3rd floor. What I want is an access point which is technically the same network (name/SSID) as my main router, and it has to be connected with...
  3. J

    C:\ Drive always has insufficient disk space

    Hello everyone, I have a 128gb SSD as my C drive, and for the couple past months my drive is always full. I try deleting stuff, but I keep getting messages saying i dont have permission to delete the files. So basically i cant update my drivers, so no video games :(. Anyways I really dont feel...
  4. X

    Overclocking 1070 vs 1080

    How would this 1070 build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/vPyXvV Do against this 1080 build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/YHKZf8 Is it worth saving the extra bucks by downgrading on the cpu cooler, motherboard, and graphics card?
  5. D

    Could you pair a gtx 960 with a gtx 1080?

    If not could someone give me a quick summary as to how pairing graphics cards works? Thanks!
  6. S

    Windows 10 Blue Screen of Death

    Recently received a message from Windows saying that there were disc driver errors that needed to be fixed with a restart. After putting it off for a couple days, I finally let the computer restart, and now I come to a screen with a frowny-face :( and a message telling me that there is a...
  7. K

    500$ canadian pc

    Hi, i am a new gamer looking for a cheap pc to start with. Just looking for a pc that can run cs-go very well. The pc must include the operating system as well.
  8. Y


    i have 32 bit running graphics card with windows 10 64 bit. Will the graphics card work ?
  9. S

    No Video On My only Screen

    My Specs: Motherboard is an Asrock FM2A58M-VG3+ R2.0 Processor is an AMD Athlon X4 860K Black Edition CPU Quad Core FM2+ 3700Mhz Old graphics card is a Zotac geoforce gt730 4gb Trying to upgrade to XFX R7-265A-CN 2gb I plugged in the graphics card and saw no picture, i put the old graphics...
  10. Husseo19

    dell mobo/g3258 overclocking?

    hey guys! so i took apart my dell XPS 8700! and i was wondering if i could modify it to sell it :) CASE modification is no problem! i will be ofcoarse overclocking the cpu! http://www.findlaptopdriver.com/dell-0kwvt8-mainboard-specifications/ it is a z87 chipset type so i should be able to...
  11. A

    Connecting subwoofer to PC

    So i have a JBl creature II whose speakers don't work anymore...
  12. BiG BaD mOfO

    No Post beep (even in Barebones config), fans running, but No Boot. After 3 days boots & runs normally until I shut it down

    Hi all, Hey, i have a similar problem where i get no video, no POST beep and fans keep running. Also the power and reset button do not work when this happens. I have to shut it off by unplugging the main AC power cable. It wont start after repeated attempts like this. Then after 3 to 4 days of...
  13. M

    Building my first pc - Is this build good?

    Hello folks! I'm finally putting the last pieces toguether about buying my PC's parts. I wanted, however, more opinions about whether or not this build looks good. I kind of need a quick reply about the RAM, CPU, GPU and Mobo because I found them in a limited time offer which will expire in less...
  14. S

    Why are we putting up with such crazy system requirements?

    Okay, so I just bought a laptop, a fairly expensive laptop, like, several times as expensive as a PS4, in the hopes that it would be able to play any game with no problems. It has 16BG RAM, 4GB VRAM, I7-6700HQ Processor, which are common specs for a gaming laptop around $1000. So, then, why is...
  15. 2

    10 days old GTX970 artifacts!!? (Screenshot)

    Just built my rig 10 days ago and everything has been going smoothly, except i just encountered this (look at the white background and the start menu... especially the weather tile) : It started while playing Rainbow 6 Siege. I'm a total noob at this, but I immediately closed the game and...
  16. T

    Ethernet is slow on my PC, but fast on a different one.

    with the gaming computer I have the ethernet is vary slow >100Kb/s, so I tried a different computer and the speed was 50-60Mb/s. I have no idea when it began but nothing I have tried is working, but it was working 1 or 2 weeks ago. (motherboard ASRock Z97) It is running windows 10, fully up to date
  17. L

    Software/Hardware Problem ?

    Well this is a weird one ... So I built my PC about a month ago and everything was fine: Intel i5-4690k CPU Gigabyte Z97P - D3 EVGA GTX 970 FTW + 8GB of HyperX RAM 2x 1TB of seagate 7200RPM 120Gb Kingston SSD with Windows 8.1 installed After a few weeks I decided to get the Widows 10...
  18. B

    144hz on AMD 7970

    So am interested in buying the kogan 144 hz monitor https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-24-led-144hz-gaming-monitor/ what I am worried about is if it will be supported by my GPU AMD 7970 http://www.msi.com/product/graphics-card/R7970_TF_3GD5OC_BE.html#hero-overview . The monitor says it comes...
  19. X

    Looking for budget gigabit router

    Hello community, First of all I have modem and ethernet cable connected to my PC with up to 300mbps but I'm planing to use the other slot in modem to hook up router for my laptop and other devices. Preferably I'm looking for gigabit router although it will be used more for internet and maybe...
  20. J

    Graphics Card Upgrade

    Hello ... i currently have amd radeon hd 8470d and I want to know what I should upgrade to. (for gaming)
  21. H

    4k movies/tv shows on PC

    Hi is there still noway to obtain 4k movies/tv shows on PC rather than TV atm? If there is can you link me?
  22. I

    Black screen after a while using the computer

    Before this happend, i cleaned my computer with a vacuum..... What happend next is, when i started the computer i heard some eletric shocks. (English is not my primair language) Also this thing (see the picture above) is now broken because of the electric shock!! My computer works for the...
  23. H

    I can't activate my windows

    So i format my windows because there's a problem. When im done formatting, it tell me to activate my windows, when i activate it says "activition error description not found". please Help. Im using a VAIO laptop
  24. S

    Are HDs just made cheaply these days

    I have had two laptops in the last two years and lost harddrives in both of them within 6 mos. The first laptop was a Samsung (lost HD twice) and the second on now is a Dell and just lost the HD in it in less than 6 mos. I find this very hard to believe. It just doesn't pay to get these huge...
  25. P

    Computer won't boot to windows, sounds like low power, endlessly restarts

    Today I had my computer on when the screen suddenly went black. It was completely unresponsive, so I shut it off. When I turned it back on, it got to the bios screen then asked if I wanted to start Windows normally (the usual stuff). But then the screen went black again for a few seconds and the...
  26. J

    How can I upgrade my 32bit(x86) to a 64bit pc.

    Im a bit of a tech noob myself, but how can I upgrade to 64bit from a 32bit pc for free. I've checked and my processor is 64bit capable. My computer has bad specs and im not bothered about any data loss. I just want to upgrade my RAM to 8GB and do not want to be limited on the applications I run.
  27. revolultrablue

    Wondering if heat pipes touching my fan is safe.

    I have both the heat pipes of my gtx 970 and cpu cooler touching my side panel fans. I just noticed today and was wondering if that is safe to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  28. B

    IP location changed after VPN

    Hello I live in Indiana and I used a VPN for a couple of hours then I turned off the VPN and now my ip is showing that I live in New Jersey and now the internet is slower speed with 166 ping is there any fix for this? I use comcast
  29. sparkybum

    Automatic down clock from gpu tweak

    So when i overclock my gtx 970 strix all is well but when it hits 60c it decides that its done with everything and down clocks itself and will stay on 1113.7MHz unti i ramp the fan speeds up to 80% and let it cool off to 55c then it will overclock back up to my stable 1488.7MHz and then ill...
  30. J

    99% GPU Usage on Minecraft 50fps (290x)

    The title says it all, I've had terrible performance ever since building my gaming rig. Specs: 16gb Corsair Vengeance LP 2x8 Amd FX8350 r9290x (watercooled) (good temps) Asrock Fatal1ty 990fx Killer Corsair CX750m WD Blue 1tb 120gb Kingston SSD
  31. EzTec

    Do you have to pay a fee for game time on PC?

    I am not sure if i am misunderstanding this but looking at the origin's website https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/free-games/game-time here are Battlefield and Titanfall game time for free.... Does that mean you are paying a monthly service like the Xbox live subscription or is this only for...
  32. und3rtaker

    Question about two different dual channel kits

    Okay currently i have HyperX kit of 2x2GB dual channel sticks. My MOBO has 4 slots, two marked black and two marked yellow. I Have two sticks in the same colored slots. Now the time has come and its time to upgrade. Im most likely getting a Mushkin 2x2GB dual channel kit to add to this set. The...
  33. A

    Can't use keyboard at boot (can't enter bios)

    So I'm trying to get into my computers bios, and of course I need my keyboard for that to press the delete key. Problem is the keyboard doesn't work when the computer boots so I'm unable to access it. Any help?
  34. B-man33

    DVI-D port not functioning?

    Hi guys, Have a bit of a problem with my ASUS GTx 770 card, I can't get the DVI-D port to display when I connect a monitor to it. What I try and did was connect my 1st monitor to the DVI-I port and the second monitor to a DVI-D port, the DVI-I port works perfectly but not the DVI-D port, no...
  35. B

    Galaxy 780 ti HoF+ vs Asus 780 ti Matrix

    So guys, i have the chance to buy any of this two cards, both used but i know for a fact they are like new. The Galaxy is complete in box, while the Matrix is OEM. Also price wise the Matrix is quite more expensive. Not having looks into consideration because they are both sexy cards (the...
  36. S

    Cpu cooling noctua help

    which cpu cooler my build http://pcpartpicker.com/user/smilo850/saved/LzzFf7 fans \/ http://pcpartpicker.com/part/noctua-cpu-cooler-nhd14 or http://pcpartpicker.com/part/noctua-cpu-cooler-nhd15
  37. S

    5.25in Adapter Chassis for slim Bluray?

    Hi there, I rescued Matshita Bluray burner from my old laptop and would like to put it to use in my desktop. The drive has a pata connection I believe. Does anyone know of a 5.25in adapter chassis that might work for me? Maybe even one that can incorporate a 2.5in SDD also? Thanks in advance
  38. P

    Internet not connecting in desktop

    I have bought DR-600M router. I connected the ethernet cable and the existing cable that was connected to my desktop to the router. Now i need to configure it. But when i logged on to (as written in the quick start up guide), the web page did not open. But when I tried to...
  39. N

    My laptop keeps saying its not responding!

    Hey guys! I have a Dell Inspiron laptop, and whenever i start it up, log in to it, it starts to be really buggy and the whole laptop screen stops responding. I am forced to restart it all the time and it never works. I even tried to do a system restore and it failed, twice! PLEASE HELP ME ASAP...
  40. Y

    Bad performance but CPU and GPU on very low load.

    I was playing Garry's Mod today and yesterday with a friend and he started placing a ton of turrets down. After a bit, my game started lagging just due to the turrets being there. It dropped me down to maybe 50 fps, but it wasn't too bad. As soon as he activated the turrets, my FPS went down to...