
Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with 500w.
  1. AgentTran

    Help Overclocking Clarkdale i5

    I have an i5 650 at 3.2GHz, and it technically is only a little bit worse than an Ivy Bridge i3. Why I say technically is because people have said that these chips overclock great, but the problem is I've never looking into overclocking, and the farthest I've gone is "Intel Turbo Boost" and...
  2. L

    Antistatic bags too big

    I'm shipping some components by air but only have very big antistatic bags, like motherboard size, that I also need to use for things like RAM, the HDD and the wireless card. I'm worried that because the bags are so big the components will move around in the flight too much, and I read somewhere...
  3. R

    would this psu be enough...r9 270x for 550w?

    hello guys, i m going to upgrade my gpu from gtx 650 to sapphire radeon r9 270x 2 gb oc... will my psu cooler master gx ii 550w bronze certified be enough to run my machine...
  4. S

    Laptops CPU and GPU run at 60 - 70 degrees

    Hi. I've been playing Battlefield 4 (at High/Ultra) and CPUID has been reading that my laptop has been running at about 60 to 70 degrees (sometimes reaches 75 degrees). Is this WAY too hot for a laptop, it was fairly expensive so I do not want to overheat or anything like that. Thanks :)
  5. PsychoticDARe

    Will this psu work with this graphics card? ...

    PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207013 Graphics card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130932 Does it have enough amps and watts to run the gtx 760? ALSO.... will it bottleneck a i5-4430? (This is the whole desktop im upgrading...
  6. T

    Fraps? two monitors.

    So I was planing on getting a 29" monitor with an aspect ratio of 21:9 (which I would use for gaming and Video capture for youtube) but I was told by a friend that recording with an aspect ratio like that will look weird on other peoples standard 16:9 monitor/Tv. So is it possible to have my Tv...
  7. zightbaoe

    Confused on ram slots...

    I have an msi g45 z87 motherboard. It has 4 ram slots. It sais it has dual channel ram. Can I add ram to all 4 slots and will it effect performance? Thanks in advanced
  8. S

    Gigabyte GA-H61M-DS2 Motherboard

    Is Gigabyte GA-H61M-DS2 Motherboard HDMI capable and does is support external graphics? Which will be a good graphic card for it nvidia zotac gt620 or radeon hd 6450? and is it a good budget mobo?