
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with beeping.
  1. M

    Hello everybody , i am buillding my first pc its gonna be gaming and working but i am confused in which motherboard should i g

    Hello everybody , i am buillding my first pc its gonna be gaming and working but i am confused in which motherboard should i get ,asus,gigabyte,msi plz answer me fast and i am on i7 4790 with 8gb corsair vengence ram
  2. B

    fx-9590 Turbo Core not boosting to 5ghz (Stock settings)

    I am running my 9590 with a Nepton 280L. I made sure to check AMD OverDrive to make sure that turbo core was for sure enabled as well. Here is a screenshot of my overdrive settings w/ the turbo core control settings on the right (I have already tried opening this menu and applying these...
  3. T

    Any Revisions? First build

    This will be my first build ever. I am kind of a noob at this stuff so if I made any mistakes please correct them. For the SSD, I'm going to buy it later so I don't take away from the original build budget <900. Any part you see from Newegg includes the tax and shipping (I figured it out w/trial...
  4. K

    Input lag with 4k monitor, but ONLY in-game

    Hi, I recently bought a Samsung UD590 4k monitor. There's very little input lag (it's a tn panel with a 1ms response time) as long as I'm not running a game (i.e., when browsing the net, etc). But as soon as I load one up, the lag is terrible (about a quarter of a second). It's worse at higher...
  5. U

    gaming Keypad or Keyboard?

    I have a budget of S$275 for either these 2. I have narrowed it down to the Orbweaver and BlackWidow or something else if u can recommend but cannot decide on which one to buy. I play a lot of FPS games and sometimes games like League of Legends. If u can help me, your help will be greatly...
  6. G

    My pc freezes immediately after i sign in. Or when i open my browser in safe mode with networking.

    So i was going to the store and decided to leave my PC on, i was gone for about and hour and when i came back it had frozen. so i pushed the powerbutton to turn it of, and then turned it on again. so it started up normally and i typed in my password, but right when my desktop came up it froze...
  7. Osoclocker69

    Deepcool Gammaxx 300 on an Fx-8320?

    So I have decided to replace the stock cooler on my Fx-8320, since it is super loud and sounds just like an airplane engine :/ . I am looking towards buying any good aftermarket cooler for about $20 like the Deepcool Gammaxx 300 (I need something quiet and efficient). So I was wondering if the...