black screen after bios

Forum discussion tagged with black screen after bios.
  1. R

    Question Black screen with AMD RX 6600 if using anything but Windows basic display driver ?

    Hi, Im a newer member here and I been looking through multiple posts and questions here trying to solve a particular issue I have with my GPU and its drivers. Here is my hardware: CPU: AMD 3600x Motherboard: asrock b550 itx/ac GPU: power cooler rx 6600 fighter Ram: Kingston Fury(non RGB) black...
  2. Eatthatmuffin

    Question CPU upgrade, Entire Rig Broken

    Long story short, I wanted to upgrade my CPU. I went from an i5-10600KF to an i9-11900KF. I upgraded to the 10600 a couple of years ago, alongside my current motherboard (ASUS B560-PRIME), and had no problems. By all means, things went exactly as I would expect, except that when I reinstalled...
  3. P

    Question Strange booting to black screen when Razer devices are plugged in?

    Hello, About a year ago my PC began booting to a black screen after the bios logo. USB devices boot when the PC come on, then all die when the black screen hits. I tried factory resets, brand new installs on a brand new NVME and nothing could stop it from happening. I thought it must be a PSU...
  4. sjonnies

    Question New build, not working

    Hello everyone! I really need some smart people to help me. So this is the problem i have old system that i have been using for 2-3 years but i wanted to switch my old intel cpu to a new amd cpu with some new ram and ofc a new mother board . The problem: everything starts up in the pc, i can...
  5. Theodwros Tenizis

    Question Windows crash ?

    - long post below - Soo... Here are the specs: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3900X Asus X570E Gaming Wifi (BIOS in the latest version) - (when in windows after the BIOS update my QCode instead of AA is 9E) Corsair Vengeace RGB (1st edition) 4x8GB 3000Mhz...
  6. nors3

    Question System boots to a black screen on specific monitor (Odyssey G8) ?

    Recently I bought an Odyssey Neo G8 because I wanted to upgrade from 1440p to 4k. However, sometimes this monitor will refuse to show display and mainly happens when booting into safe mode (Holding shift and clicking restart). For instance I boot into my 1080p monitor into safe mode and it works...
  7. N

    Question Windows 11 restart and update to black screen with old hourglass icon

    After this black screen appeared i let it sit for few hours and nothing happened so i restarted it and it still did the same thing so i spent more frustrating hours until i used my bios to wipe my hard drive with OS on it. I obtained a new windows 10 install and when i boot from the flash drive...
  8. M

    Question Radeon RX 480 won't boot windows

    Hi, I'm switching GPUs from GTX 1050ti to Radeon RX480 but when I boot the machine with the new GPU installed it black screens after bios. So far I have tried removing old nvidia drivers using DDU resetting CMOS updating BIOS Remounting GPU build details Intel Core i7-9700 3 GHz 8-Core...
  9. M

    Question System issue

    Hi there, attempting to find an issue with my PC. I was having a lot of boot issues upon making up a new system (bios screen would show, it would attempt to load and then screen would go black and peripherals would turn off) I had this issue with the previous system upon adding a new pair of ram...
  10. sgbrown

    Question Empty prompt after motherboard logo

    Hi everybody, First of all: Happy new year! I have the following problem. I see an Asus Motherboard Logo after starting the PC. After that I get a black screen with an underscore '_' blinking in the top left corner. Nothing happens from there. Ctrl + Alt + Delete leads to a restart. During...
  11. Gerbal242

    [SOLVED] Help I think I [redacted] up my motherboard

    Hello I have recently stumbled across a black screen while I have attempted to enable secure boot while having mbr mode on, I haven’t found any solutions to this but here is what I’ve tried Clr_cmos by removing battery and jumping the pins I have tried to q flash but died shortly after realizing...
  12. R

    Question Can Not Boot and USB Drive wont Boot Either

    My desktop was running very slow today, I initially thought it was because my boot drive was running out of space, I cleared up some space on the drive. It was still running slow so I decided to restart the desktop. Ever since I did this I have been stuck trying to load the operating system, I...
  13. R

    [SOLVED] Blank screen (black but backlit) after bios, turning monitors off and on shows Windows desktop again...I'm confused

    So I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this issue since I'm not sure what the actual issue is but hopefully someone can provide some insight. Today when I turned my PC on (booted from sleep on first case of the issue), it went to the bios splash screen like normal and then seemingly...
  14. I

    [SOLVED] Black screen after boot process has completed ?

    Hello guys. I'm a bit of an amateur when It comes to using PCs. I've ran into a problem. Basically what happened if while using my laptop all of a sudden everything went black and I couldn't do anything. Mouse activity seemed unresponsive. After a little bit of research I found out that it was a...
  15. Blueskin

    [SOLVED] My display enters sleep mode at startup. Why?

    Hi. My wife PC is used for on-line school during pandemic. She is a teacher and we have this problem that persist in the last 2 weeks no matter what we did to fix it. I open the PC, the motherboard details appear on display screen, then when I was waiting for the windows passowrd protection...
  16. A

    Question Black screen with loading cursor

    So my roommates pc has a black screen with a loading cursor on start up after bios screen. I've looked up all the common ways to fix it and nothing works. We have no idea how it started because we were both playing yesterday just fine. Today she tried and the black screen came. Ctrl+alt+del does...
  17. E

    [SOLVED] My pc booted up after installing new motherboard and cpu. Now I have a black screen. What do I do?

    Today I finally got a new motherboard and cpu. I took out my old ones and succesfully put in the new ones. When I booted it up for the first time it turned on for five seconds, shut down on its own and restarted after like two seconds. After this happened I switched the power off on the back of...
  18. Krawk03

    Question My PC is booting to a Black Screen

    While i was gaming, It suddenly froze and then went black. Every time i boot it, i can see the loading screen where i can press bios and boot menu. After that, it stays black and i cant do anything about it and there is no cursor, please help
  19. La Magra

    Question My Sapphire Pulse RX 5600 XT does not load up windows, shows only black screen :(

    Hi folks, Yesterday I have encountered a problem which i cant sort out. I have purchased a brand new GPU Sapphire Pulse RX 5600 XT and after installation i can see the BIOS but it does not load up windows and it shows black screen. Just to make sure it does not start even to load windows at all...
  20. G

    Question VGA Cable Stopped Working On W10 After Graphics Update

    Hello Toms Hardware forums. I've bumped into a unique issue with a new build. On an am4 mobo of recent make, we used the driver disc that came with the MOBO to update whatever Windows 10 drivers that required patching. Process was going smoothly, classic fade in's and fade out's, till the...