I recently bought a new 2tb NVME to replace my 1tb NVME as it was running low on space. I cloned the drive and replaced it no issue at all. I also extended one (Design) of the two volumes on this drive no issue either but when I now come to extend the second volume (Games) with Windows Disk...
Hi everyone,
Hope you're staying safe.
Currently I have as SSD and a HDD, both being ~500-ish GB in size each. My old Windows OS was installed on the hard drive, and the new OS I'm using is on the SSD.
HDD is partitioned into 2-3 Volumes, one with the OS, the other with data only and one named...
Hi guys,
I always used some cheap mic or my laptop's built-in one but lately had a lot of problem with the volume, background noises and stuff. I use my mic only for voice chat with friends, especially nowdays when everybody is home but i am always too quiet or have problem with the background...
I have a strange issue with setting up a static IP.
I've managed to do it. However, I'm losing internet access (parcially). Strangely, I still can use TeamSpeak, but neither of my internet browsers are letting me reach a site.
My final objective is to open ports. Since I don't have...
What space do I need to leave free on system drive?, NAS drives and dynamic compiled hdd that make one drive ? SSD and HDD.
I have;
465 GB SSD that has windows 10 on it.
1.8 TB HDD and 3 232 GB HDD as dynamic drive (D:) on my tower/windows 10. (some are 8 years old)
2.7 TB HDD and 232 GB...
Hello. I would like to know if there are any way to set RAM (DDR4), to work the same way CPU or GPU can work. I mean, so that RAM clock is not fixed, but dynamically adjusted as necessary
I recently scratched my motherboard while tightening a cpu cooler standoff with a pair of flat nose pliers, and now the system stays caught in a loop of powering on for a few seconds and powering off repeatedly, only when there is a cpu installed.
If no cpu is installed, the system just stays...
I knew I wasn't making any sense before. After searching the file path, we now have a clue as to what the problem is.
According to someone elsewhere, Windows apparently cannot verify this file. This is the text I see below whenever I try to boot.
Hey There,
Lately my PC started Randomly restarting while in a game session!
So i did some Research and i figured it was probably my PSU, Or OverHeating But it wasn't a problem Until 3 days ago And i have this pc for almost a year! So i was wondering what PSU i should buy! in my country the...
I am fairly new to PC building and I thought I knew enough to upgrade my CPU but apparently not. The motherboard is an MSI 760GM-P35 and I "upgraded" the CPU from an Anthlon ii x3 to a phenom ii x6 1055t. I put thermal paste and everything, and we used the heatsink and fan from the previous...
Recently built a new pc, i have windows on my new ssd, id like to access my files from my old hdd, it shows up in the my computer but cant go through the hdd to view the music etc. I want to keep them and not format my old hdd, what do i do? Please help!
I have been interested in servers, and I'm thinking about building a homeserver to backup my gaming computer, and my laptop. I will also put media on there (Movies, Pictures, etc) on my server. I'm just wondering what's important when building the computer, the things to look for. I just need...
SO guys i got, used x530 logitech speakers, i want to use them on my tv, i only have digital audio out on my tv, my speakers are analog, will they work on my tv, if i order something like this...
I recently installed a ATi r9 390 graphics card. I have 2 monitors connected and I want to clone the main monitor so i have the same image on both screens. How do I do this with ATI? I'm use to using Nvidia control panel.
hello guys,
I'm going to buy a gtx 960 but I don't know about gpus because this is the first graphics card I'm going to buy
Can anyone help me to choose the best brand? My choices are,
Asus 2GB strix
Gigabyte G1 gaming 4GB
MSI tiger...
Today i saw something like this http://prntscr.com/87wgsp on my old motherboard , is it something important or no ? i mean motherboard will work fine or no ? i have no idea what is this
Why is this happening? It never happened before until my power went out during a windows update. My computer isn't hot either so i don't think overheating is an option either. Someone please help!
I want to add another GTX 770 card onto this mother board, gigabyte GA-Z97-HD3, i know its not the best board for this, but i own it., And can anyone tell me why it is bad or what type of gains or losses i might expect. I need more fps in arma 3. I will upgrade my power source to a 800 watt name...
i want to buy a intel cpu for my upgrade maybe for this six-month, my budget are really limited around 70-130 . maybe1 year later i can buy more powerful cpu , like the i5 or i7 .
I think of these 2 for now :
- Intel Pentium g3220 @ 3.0ghz
- Intel Core i3 4130 @ 3.4ghz
i will use cpu for...