faulty card

Forum discussion tagged with faulty card.
  1. neckbeard0

    Question I'm on my second rtx 2070 gpu, graphics drivers keep crashing even after reinstall and Windows 10 reinstallation

    I recently tried upgrading my gpu to an rtx 2070. That one was faulty and I had to return it. I even upgraded my PSU to a 650w because I thought that was the problem. I got another rtx 2070 from somewhere else. Currently, whenever I play games on this new gpu the games will have artifacts and...
  2. katelyn723

    Question Maybe Faulty Graphics Card?

    To start off the specs are: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bxjFV7 with a 500w psu. The pc is a new build and ran fine yesterday until the gpu crashed in a low performance setting (displaying on 2 monitors, 1 running a youtube video in 1080). Before that, I didn't notice any gpu struggles...
  3. rcald2000

    Best Graphics Cards For The Money - August & September issues?

    What happened to the Best Graphics Cards For The Money series? I don't recall seeing July, August or September. I only ask because I always look forward to reading them.