Hey fellas, i hope someone can help me. I recently got an error when I was playing video games. There was an error with my memory something. I searched around the net to find a solution and got no luck. I tried to update every driver, bios and even windows but nothing helped. The pc kept...
apc dismatch bsod
black screen
Crash & recover
help pc
irql not less or equal
No connection
windows drivers for windows 10
windows tool
I'm getting a 0x0000005c BSOD HAL initialization failed while playing video games like pubg and overwatch or for honor, it just happens at random while playing, also the games constantly crash but the crashes dont give any info and all I can do is send crash report.
Hello there.. Ive upgraded my pc with this CPU.. Amd II phenom x6 1090T. Was tryin to play different games and had very low fps.. Core speed with stress test was always on 800 mhz.. After i changed something in bios called multiplier? Now im running constantly on 3000 mhz and check in game...