high end pc but low fps

Forum discussion tagged with high end pc but low fps.
  1. zaneiya

    Question Games always feel different every session (Input lag/Not smooth)

    Title kinda describes the problem. I highly doubt there is a way I can fix this anymore, but mb someone will help, w/e. So, games always feel different every session: sometimes they feel very "floaty" and not "sharp", sometimes they feel like I'm playing on 100hz monitor (I upgraded from 144hz...
  2. Zanabazar

    Question my high end pc is having very low fps?!

    i recently got a high end pc but im having low fps on games that my pc should run atleast 80 fps. games like fortnite is always dropping to 30 fps and sometimes even 10 fpsand the game DOOM the 2016 doom. It should run atleast 60 fps onm ultra settings but my pc is running it on 40 fps. And...
  3. A

    Anyone explain how the warranty in a graphics card works?

    I do understand a warranty can be used to replace the card maybe? But my question is as someone who ordered the graphics card online from abroad(I live in Maldives) what should I really do if for example there is a problem with the card Will I be able to use the warranty to replace the card...