
Forum discussion tagged with Huion.
  1. Silu Sisupalan

    Question Does anybody know what causes the Red gradient damage on the LCD?

    So, my Huion Kamvas Pro 22 has started showing damage on the screen. Everything is working fine, but I see a red gradient on the dark/black images. I just wanted to know if this is repairable and what is causing the issue.
  2. F

    Question “No signal” display

    Could latest MS update screw up my drawing tablet interface? EQUIP: Huion Kamvas Pro 16 (4K) drawing tablet HP Pavilion 590 Have worked together fine for over a year. Now, after latest update, they no longer communicate. Huion owrks fine connected to older laptop. HP works fine through my HD TV...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] How to Salvage an Image from a .mbdb file?

    Hello! I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I have a very odd question. Does anyone know, with an image that was saved, but somehow saved to a .mbdb file, if there's a way to get the image back out of it? My wife was using the drawing program Sketchbook on her mac...
  4. Habbelfisk

    Question PC Starts stuttering after using Photoshop for a while.

    Hi, I have a pretty strange issue, as stated above my PC starts lagging/stuttering after using Photoshop for about an hour. The issue is most evident when moving my mouse. The movement is smooth and works just as expected as long as I'm not mousing over any sort of interactable object in any...
  5. Chip Biscuit

    [SOLVED] "Out of range" error on monitor after installing GPU driver

    Hi all. I have a Huion Kamvas GT221 Pro screen tablet hooked up to my computer, which I also use as my primary monitor. The PC is connected to a Prozor HDMI switcher, because I also have my games console hooked up to it, and that switcher is connected directly to the monitor. This setup has...