lan cable

Forum discussion tagged with lan cable.
  1. D

    [SOLVED] Speed tests not showing full internet speed

    I recently changed my ISP and upgraded to a 500mb/s speed. I know I probably wont get the full speed but on my phone (a52 5g) with wifi i get about 250-300mb/s but on my pc (hooked up with a cable) I can barely get 90mb/s. Im using the mobo LAN but I dont think its that since its a gigabit LAN...
  2. ChonkyCookie17

    [SOLVED] CAT 5e and CAT 6e not exceeding 94Mbps on a 300/300 Mbps connection

    Long story short, When I use the cable provided with the router on any of the LAN ports on my router, i get full 300Mbps speed. I recently got 2 cables, 5e and 6e, and manually connected RJ45 heads on both endings (all 4 pairs) and verified them using a LAN tester, with all 8 working...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Ethernet connection intermittent and slower than Wifi

    Hi All, My desktop PC in the past 3 months has picked up an odd Ethernet connection issue which I have temporarily resolved by using a USB wifi dongle, but this is causing ping/latency issues. PC's connection via Ethernet cable directly into the Virgin Media Hub 3.0 has recently become...
  4. rayyanmaulana

    [SOLVED] LAN constantly disconnects

    So i just recently upgraded my pc from an intel i3 6100 to a ryzen 5 1600, and i noticed that after i upgraded, my pc's internet would sometimes cut off on its own and then quickly connect again. this would go on once every few minutes and its starting to annoy me, any idea what might be the...
  5. Elixs

    [SOLVED] Low upload speed

    I've been having way too slow upload speeds on my computer. I have 100Mb download speed and 10Mb upload speed, but my computer just has 2Mb upload speed, with sometimes not even reaching 1Mb. My computer is connected through an Ethernet cable. Last week my cousin was with me, he is a Network...
  6. gitarwiner

    Question Windows won't recognize LAN Cable

    Hello! I have a old computer with a gigabyte Z68AP-D3 MOBO, and since I installed windows 10 it won't recognize the lan cable when I plug it in. I've tried to download all the drivers and also run them on compatibility mode. Nothing seems to work. I've already tested the cable, the router and...
  7. Sshorab

    Question WiFi speed faster than Ethernet speed.

    Hello all, My Router is a D Link 600M. I'm on PPPoE connection from my ISP. Marketed speed is 25Mbps. For some unknown reason my WiFi download and browsing speed is faster, But horribly slow when it's through Ethernet. Using and I get 25Mbps over WiFi. But 100kbps...
  8. A

    [SOLVED] All existing LAN cables broken but new cables work? No Internet

    So last night around 5AM my computer in stopped receiving internet and now all the computers can't receive internet. My father’s computer was still receiving internet until about 1pm. The computers say that the cables are connected to the modem but “no internet”. I have a few computers connected...
  9. 1

    [SOLVED] Inconsistent LAN speed

    My LAN speed has been very inconsistent lately, sometimes the download speed is around 150mbps but a few seconds later it would drop to around 5mbps... Which makes online gaming almost impossible. I have tried using a different ethernet cable directly from the wall into my PS4, but the same...
  10. Brandon Umali

    [SOLVED] Can't detect internet and USB ports after reformat Windows 7

    Hi guys, I've just reformatted my Dell Inspiron 14 3000 series to windows 7, but I'm having a serious problem now because it won't read my USB which has the drivers for it and it is not even connecting to the internet for me to download the drivers for it. I don't have the CD drivers of it...
  11. K

    [SOLVED] Does my motherboard support cat7

    My motherboard is maximus V formula and I'm going to use LAN cat7 cable is it going to work?
  12. T

    [SOLVED] Lan cable unable to be installed

    Hello people of the internet, I recently ran into a problem when moving into my new house. My land lord has told me that I am unable to install a lan line going up to the room I was planning on setting up my PC. I would like for my PC to be connected to a lan cable instead of a wireless...