I recently built me a new rig with consist of the following:
Processor Intel Core i7-3930K (Sandy Bridge-E): 3.2 GHz Base, 3.8 GHz Maximum Turbo Boost, 12 MB Shared L3 Cache
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6870 2Gb
Motherboard: Asrock x79 Extreme 9
Memory: 16Gb DDR3-1600 4x4Gb- Dual Channel Kit...
Im currently using a 6950 2gig and i have been having the dreaded "Display drivers have failed and recovered" Error and occasionally a BSOD. I havn't had an error in a while since I updated to the 12.6 Beta drivers but i've been seeing the occasional frame drop in games that shouldnt give it any...
My IBM HD has 1 Bad sector...I can fix it by doing a low levl format. It's just I want to wait to the weekend to fix it, so I can backup everything then when I am free. Is there anything dangerous about using the HD with its bad sector. Can it spread...should I fix it ASAP...Thank you...
As the name of the thread says, I am wanting to run a HD 6670 on my computer which has a 250W PSU.
I have used wattage calculators and have come up with anywhere from negative to positive results from them.
But here are the specs of the computer:
AMD Phenom II x4 960t
8gb of DDR3 ram...
I have the following computer from Hewlett Packard: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01578366&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=ch&dlc=de&lang=de&lc=de&product=3818709
Unfortunately, a few days ago the screen began fllickering and to be on the blink, which is why I...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)
Keep getting "computer and printer are not comunicating" - what steps do
I have to take to get this to working again?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
I have upgraded from Home to Pro. I want the "Press Ctrl
+ Alt + Del to login" screen displayed. Where do I go and
change the setting that allows this???
Hey guys, whats up? i have 2 questions:
I wanted to upgrade from my old GT 520 and realized i only had a 350W psu. (SS 350HS)
So my current rig is:
Intel DH67BL mobo
2x4GB Transcend 1333 RAM
i7-2600 3.4 GHz x4x2
One Segate 1TB HDD
one DVD/ROM drive and 2 fans + ONE heatsink.
i realise my PSU has...
I am currently working with an ASUS CM6850-07 (http://www.asus.com/Desktop/Entertainment/Essentio_CM6850/) and have decided it is time for a power supply and graphics upgrade so I will be able to play BF3 on ultra at 1080p.
I have decided to go with a GTX570 by MSI and a ZEPHY580MX...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
Can you explain me such problem:
Windows XP work fine, but when I try open "ADD HARDWARE"
service, I receive message, what it is possible to add
only one device at any moment and now adding of hardware
in progress, so...
I went to my local Computer Store and I was thinking about getting the GTX 670 4GB by EVGA, but they told me that a lot of people sent there's back. It wasn't just the EVGA one, it was a bunch of other companies but they were all the GTX 670! They told me that some people when they got it, it...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?)
Is there anyway to prevent a local logon to a remote desktop from
terminating the remote session?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)
MS Frontpage, MovieMaker, MSN Gaming, Outlook Express, Xerox, NetMeeting - this is apps that a never use. How can I get rid of them.
I use Win XP SP2 RC2 2149.
PP. In "add/remove win components" is present only Outlook...
I just upgraded from a hd 5770 to a hd 6870, you would think I would see a world of a difference. Not really. A few frames, yes, but not a whole lot. I ran the RE5 benchmark on high settings with 1680 x 1050 and only got about 40fps average. I've seen people hit 120fps average with the 6870...
I have thechance to buy a GTX 690 right now, ASUS model for $1094 after shipping...should I buy it? I have a gtx 670 ordered yesterday but could cancel.
Hi. I am using a Vizio 22" 1080p LCD as a second monitor for my laptop. I hooked it up with a display port cable that has an HDMI end. In general it looks ok but the text isn't nearly as sharp as the laptop's screen. Clear type is turned on.
1. Is ther any way to fix this?
2. I really want at...
First post, usually run across the site through searches, looking for some options.
I'm currently running an HP with a 300 watt psu and at gt 520. All the other specs are fine for what im doing, but the 520 is terrible and the power supply is obviously going to need to be replaced with the...
Hello, everithing is allright with display but when im try to playing games
you can see my problem here
Note: software is up to date and all is on default.
Is my card dieing or what?
Please help?
Recently I purchased a Sparkle GeForce 8400GS PCI card (no express PCI just regular old PCI, because I didn't have any other open slots). Here is the rather uninformative amazon product page (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001HA91NY/ref=oh_o06_s00_i00_details).
I bought the card so...
Hi, i have a doubt buying in nvidia gtx 285. Do i need to provide any external power supply like cooler master or ocz. If yes which one to go either 500w/1000w im new to this plss help me out in this.
Processor intel i7 2600k
motherboard intel dq67sw
Corsair vengeance(4*4) 16gb RAM
Hi all,
I'm building a new pc and while searching for an optical drive I've noticed that a few seem to have issues reading windows 7 disks.
Obviously this would be an issue if I don't have an existing OS (as I won't be able to download a firmware update for it)
Does anyone know of a decent...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
I installed the latest critical update for XP. Now my
USB flash drive does not work. Thought it was bad and
bought a new one. It doesn't work either.
Dialog box says USB device not recognized. One of the
trying to reinstall windows 7 64bit so i can partition hard drives but i cant load OS from my cdrom/dvdrom. Tried going into bios and changing settings so first boot device is cdrom but OS just keeps on loading time after time. How do i boot from my OS disc?
thanks again
MOBO: gigabyte...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
Have two sata drives on PC-both formattted NTFS and both converted to dymanic
drives. Both are seen in bios,both are seen in my computer and both are seen
in disk management BUT when I right click on either drive "new...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
I've read several posts about speeding up pc by disabling programs in
Startup. After I've done that, and restarted the pc, I get a "System
Configuration Utility" message. It directs me to choose the normal startup...
I have a sweet i52500k setup exept I have a not so high quality graphics card here is my setup my budget is $150. Help is appreciated.
i5 2500k @ 3.3 ghz
Gigabite z68-ud3h-b3
8 gb of Kingston Hyper X ram
Cooler master elite 460 watt power supply
2 500 gb Hitachi Deskstars 7200 rpm
8800 gt (what...
i don't know ow it happened.it was going well before.all other games ( Counter Strike , Need For Speed) is running well but when i start playing dota my ascreen start blinking and shaking......... need help
I want to know if the Noctua NH-C14 will have enough space from the GPU reactor on the gtx 680 lighting on a Maximus Gene V motherboard? If not, then what CPU cooler is just as good in both cooling and noise as the NH-C14 because i really want that GPU and Mobo models. Thank you for the help.
Will the 7850 OC be supported for Diablo 3? I was looking on the website and saw it didnt list it in the supported cards, nor in the not supported cards. The 6850 is though.
Please help.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)
When I installed the fax component, I don't have access
to the fax console. The only thing it gives me is the
fax wizard. I need to send more than a one page fax. I'm
assuming the fax console will let me do this...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?)
I created two partitions on my hard drive when I had
Windows 98, using Parition Magic. Upgraded to XP. My C
drive size is 3.90 GB with only 310 MB free space while
my D drive is 8.75 GB is 80% free. I've...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.video (More info?)
when i start a video it starts directly in full screen and
i can not get control of video. once it stops i can not
close it
Hello everyone I am considering the 7970 and 680 and have a question regarding the RAM. Assuming no issues with supply and price which card would be better for a dual monitor setup at 1920 by 1080. I had planned on gaming only one monitor at once so the question becomes is the extra ram on the...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)
I am running windows xp on athlon 2000+ system. Everytime i connect to the internet i receive a error which reads "C:\Docume~1\Safeh\Locals~1\Temp\Surfai~1.exe". This is really ennoying the error comes in black screen...