Hey guys, I have a 5850 atm and need to replace it as the fan is slowly dying. I've wanted to try Crossfiring for a while now, and with the price drop on the 7770's, 2 of them is pretty close in price to the 7850. I'm not worried about power consumption, my psu can handle it for sure. Just...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?)
I started out having Windows 2000 Pro. I took my computer
over to a friends house and pluged in the cable internet
but it didn't connect. I went into the Internet
Connections and clicked "never use a dial up...
I'm wondering if a Corsair TX750 is enough to handle 2 570s with a i7 920 overclocked to 3.8ghz. The power supply is about 2 years old.
Also, if it wasn't enough, is there a high chance of it damaging something if it fails to provide enough power?
Lastly, I was looking at a XFX 1050w or a...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
Changed MOBO from PC Chips M841LU to an ASUS A7V8X-X. PC
Chips board had onboard video, ASUS not. Added ATI Radeon
9200 SE video card, AGP 128 Mb 8X.
Used same components otherwise, now system will not load
Windows XP...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?)
I've use remote desktop infrequently and recently went to change my
password. The shortcut off start>accessories>communications is no longer
there. I've searched for the program file and cannot find it. Shortcut
i love to play skyrim, but my graphics have to be at low to play it, and i despise that. i think the rest of my comp does fine except card. im looking for anything under 100$, i currently have intel hd. any help is much appreciated :)
I am working with a client that currently has a 9400GT graphics card on his M4A78LTM-LE motherboard. Basically it is a older 2.0 pci express board. Now everything I read about the 9400 is that it is a POS if your doing heavy gaming, which this person is doing. My question is what would...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
partioned new hard drive, OS in 1st , now i want the 2nd partion for data storage; but unsure how to format 2nd partion without installing OS into it , is this possible or advisable !
Hey, Does it matter when buying a graphic card to check the PCI? my motherboard has x1 PCIe x16 slot,
the (ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3)but I'm uncertain if its compatible with PCI Express 2.1 x16. that's the complicated question I've been stuck on..
I'm looking to buy the ASUS EAH6770 DC...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?)
I don't want my connections to come up on a computer
after I have used RDP on it, as in the IP address, user
name, etc. How do I clear that information and keep it
from coming up?
I searched all over knowledge base...
Hi there,
For some reason, my Scythe Mugen 2's main 120mm scythe fan is only reading 200RPM in HWmonitor.
I'm using an i7 920, and even during times of load (temps go to around 65'C), the fan speed fluctuates between 175 rpm and 210 rpm.
I thought the fan was suppose to go up to 3000RPM...
Wondering if this computer with old cpu and ok graphics card can handle this game
"age of empires online"2010 newer than age of empires 3
Old cpu intel pentium d 940 3.20ghz, but ok graphics card HD 6850 Radeon, 4gb ram (ddr2), 320gb hard drive
I am unsure on how much the cpu matters when it...
i have got this problem in all my computer now..
and it just slows down the computer like hell..
is it a ADware BUGs or a virus???
anyone got the same problem..
i know i am not alone...
the CPU usage under task manager is 100% and
the listed explorer.exe is like using 50mb-120mb..
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
MY cd burner and dvd writer are both connected to an IDE
plug, and they are being acknowledged by xp as SCSI
devices. Neither one of them will burn with any program
that I try to use. Anyone have any ideas?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
My computer has two hard drives(connected as master slave) and a cdrom and
dvd-r(connected as master/slave)Up until this morning my computer worked as
well as any Windows Computer can be expected to work. Used it, went for...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?)
If so how?
I just purchased the router and am wired up with an external dynamic ip and
can get to my website and ftp server ok.
I wish to use the RDS Client to Exchange with the hardware VPN Server in the
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
I can't copy files across a network.
To be more specific: I can't copy recently downloaded files, whereas I can copy older files.
When I check the properties of these recent files, I notice that there is an extra...
Ok, for some strange reason all of assudden when i go to certain websites or click on certain links my IE hangs, and then if i click something on IE it goes into that (Not Responding) crapp up on top, for example, just going to microsoft.com takes like a year and then that site is completly...
I just put together my new system and I keep getting the Blue screen PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA message. I get this message all the time. I can't even use my computer because it crashes. Even when its sitting at the desktop for 5 or 10 minutes it will get the error message. Please help...
Friend of mine is installing WindowsXP Professional onto a new system. When he starts it up it checks for the hard disk, finds it, partitions it, formats it, then installs system files. After that it says "Windows XP will now restart your system and continue your installation". However, after...
Hi there
I hope someone can help me. I have always used Outlook Express and have never before experienced any problems with it. Just the other day I downloaded an update for it (unfortunately I can't remember the name of it) and since then I've been having problem, or rather, haven't been able...
The following does not happen all of the time but very randomly. It doesn't hurt my system in any way but it is very annoying. My system will restart on its on sometimes. Like I said it doesn't happen all of the time and I can go days without it happening at all. The following is an error in my...
While cleaning my PC, I found the graphics card was sagging down a little bit toward the tip where there is no support. Should I be concerned and set up some kind of reinforcement there? The card is a relatively massive EVGA GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores Classified. According to EVGA website, its spec...
I am just switching from dialup to dsl with little knowledge with dsl. However, I would like to have a wireless network connection. I have 3 laptops that I would like to connect to the internet. I don't live in a very big house either. I'd like to know a couple of things:
1) 2...
Hi, I'm a DJ and I need to be able to monitor my upcoming songs through headphones without disrupting the house audio output.
I have an acer aspire 4810T laptop with one 3.5mm output so I guess I need a new external soundcard?
Any help would be appreciated, thnx in advance
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.video (More info?)
When i goto play an mpeg movie as such and some other
things also of which i cannot remember, it comes up with
2 error messages:
1st says its missing cpuinf32.dll
2nd says its missing mplapx.dll
then it says that wmplayes has...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)
we get an error 2140: an internal Windows T error occurred. no related
article covering this dhcp error has been located. can anyone assist?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general (More info?)
Using Windows 2000 Recovery Console, what is the largest FAT32 Partition
that can be created.
Many thanks
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
How do I recover a missing .exe file from windows XP.home.
Have a message that I am missing a "windows.root\system32
\ntoskrnl.exe" file and have no idea how to correct.
Please help
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup_deployment (More info?)
I need some advice and links to various website of interest. Firstly, I
must state that I am really new to the IT/Networking world (so
explain/elaborate as much as possible).
I currently work in an...
Im pretty new to computers, but ive just recently becoming interested in upgrading my comp. I just upgraded my video card to a gtx 550 ti. I am playing SCII and seeing an avg of 27 fps on ultra with some shadows and lighting turned down to high. I am wondering if the graphics card i bought isn't...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.security (More info?)
Would anyone know of any tool out there that could mass
logoff everyone from the domain?
We do powershutdowns frequently, and I hate to have to
track down stragglers to log them off.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)
I have a small <10 computer network running W2000 Server
on a Dell 1600SC Server in a star topology. When
broadband cable became available we brought it into the
network via Motorola Cable modem to a Netgear 318...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.advanced_server (More info?)
This problem is related to a new .NET application that we have just
moved into production. The application uses .NET Remoting to run a
number of simultaneous instances of the application on a production
server. The...
Ok right now I got an 8 gig partition (C:) with my old, pirated version of XP pro on it. I just got my XP home version (purchased from newegg) this morning, and installed it. The only problem is that it installed directly to my D: drive (the other 72 gigs) and never gave me a choice to...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.security (More info?)
I have 2 questions here.
a) I would like to know how can we change the password at
the next log on at the user own PC without going to the
server to change it. The problem now is that if we tick
to change...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?)
is it possible to set the internet proxy settings for a specific Computer
Mark Greifenberg