Partition Magic

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Partition Magic.
  1. G

    Multi Boot Licencing Question for MS Personnel

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup_upgrade (More info?) Is it within the EULA that when in a Multi-Boot situation where the boot partitions are hidden from one another using products such as Boot Magic by PowerQuest to install the same OS such as Windows 2000 with the same...
  2. G

    print spooler

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.file_system (More info?) There is a file running called spoolsv.exe that keeps useing up all my memory it starts out at 5000 and build up to 100,000k all in the course of one day I have to reboot just to keep my system running at a good speed...
  3. M

    How to ban multiple logon?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) How to set restriction to allow a user to logon to the network once at a time? We do not like people to be able to logon to the network to multiple pcs at a time. How can we do it? Novell can do it, can Microsoft do it as...
  4. D

    General Graphics Issue

    So I'm having a strange issue with my graphics. I keep getting what I think are artifacts (I don't REALLY know too much about graphics and lingo, but I believe that's correct.) It's very sudden, I don't know exactly when it started, but it just came out of nowhere. I just got a new Radeon HD...
  5. B


  6. G

    Geforce GTX 460 vs 550 ti

    Looking for a good graphics card to buy. My friend will sell me his Palit GTX 460 for $85, or I can buy a Gigabyte GTX 550 ti at the store for $105. Which one gives greater performance for the dollar? Both of them are basically in my budget but I still wouldn't mind saving $20.
  7. T

    Win2K, GeForce3 Display problem

    On my system, whenever I run a game, the display is shifted over about an inch to the right. Everything looks okay, except that I can't see the entire screen. I think this is because I can't set the monitor refresh rate higher than 75Hz. I used to run into this issue when using a GeForce2...
  8. R

    Put same license from lap top on new desktop...

    is this a problem? it said license was successfully i guess i can use the license on both my machines?
  9. C

    Fatal error installing windows 98SE

    My name is Carlos I need to install windows 98SE on a presario 2105US with an AMD prosccessor this laptop came with XP. But i need 98 for some of the work I do
  10. G

    Installing the PSP in Win98 SE

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?) Does anyone know where I can download a Mass Storage driver for the PSP or a USB Flash Drive?
  11. M

    Sparkle 8800gts Vertical Lines and No Vga BIOS screen

    Hello, I've found a sparkle 8800gts 320 mb from a friend. And there's a problem: 1. When switch on the computer, it's not show graphic card info. My 9800gt card shows its BIOS info at first screen. But 8800gts doesn't. 2. The graphic drivers can't installing to system, if installed windows xp...
  12. J

    Unwanted change to Minimise Button

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?) The Minimize button used to reduce a window to a button on the taskbar. For some reason Minimise now creates a mini-window on the desktop, which tends to be hidden behind the taskbar. Can anyone please tell me how to...
  13. P

    Virtual disk manager media write protected

    Hello, Im trying to intialize disk and I keep getting this message The Media Is Write Protected.
  14. R

    Toshiba laptop video card driver

    Hello, not play in game
  15. F

    Radeon 5450 - VGA Connection Problem

    Hi all! This is my first post here, after trawling google over and over for a solution to my problem and reading over lots of Eyefinity stuff, i am still none the wiser and really need help. To cut a long story short... I have a PC setup consisting of a ASUS M478-AM with the radeon 5450 and...
  16. R

    windowMe restart and sometime bluw screen

    Hi I have a Bh6 and C450(300A), I just install winMe(clean install). My system sometime will restart or sometime will give me a blue screen. So, I am thinking about the Power supply or a CPU fan. What do you guys think. Where can I get a good case that doesn't cost a lot. Remember the system...
  17. K

    Multiple Monitors with the 260 GTX

    Here's the deal: I am an employee at compusa, I recently came across a currency trader who wanted to build a custom machine to support multiple monitors and for it to have some decent speed. The whole build was easy for me. But when it came to graphics he wanted to do monitors goin upwards as...
  18. X

    Downloading an existing file and options don't pop up.

    I need help guys! I dont know how to fix this problem... So when I download a file that I already have, it automatically downloads and gives that (1). So lets say I have file: DUDE. When I download it again, it automatically downloads and its file name is : DUDE (1). How do i fix this error...
  19. P

    Stupid question..but here goes...

    Hello, what happens if you loop the bridge back onto the same card on the second bridge conector? (Told you it was a dum question)
  20. A

    Dell touchscreen hardware

    Hello, my touch screen was not install when i got my computer. i paid for it
  21. 1

    Hypercam compression

    When I make a recording with Hypercam and latter play the recording with VLC media player I get this message - No suitable decoder module, VLC does not support the audio or vidio format "undf". What does this mean and how can I fix it. Thanks Ron
  22. L

    I5 3570k Build Opinions

    Hey guys, just wanted a few opinions on this build. It will be used for gaming mainly, GW2 mainly. I am a fan of BF3 so probably that if i end up buying it. Also, is 600W psu alright for this build? Approximate Purchase Date: ~4weeks Budget Range: ~$1400 System Usage from Most to Least...
  23. D

    Reinstall windows but keep a few softwares

    ok so when i got my PC, since then its gotten pretty slow so im plannin to do a fresh install of windows, or rather, to a 'restore to factor default' thing.. any ways, the only problem is i have a couple of 'online' games installed which will take ages to download and update again, so i was...
  24. lakshitharxx

    Question about my gtx 550 ti

    Hey all, I have a question here.. My 550 ti ( i know it is not a best card for money ) perform very well in 1360x768 resolution.. Like i play bf3 on ultra.. It gives me 40 average FPS.. I recently checked nvidia site...
  25. xtremegamer2da-max

    Sli 560 ti, 7970, or kepler???

    first off regardless of whether or not i decide on which gpu setup i will get im still waiting for kepler to come out before i buy. so should i get a 7970 dual 560 ti's or a kepler??? (this is NOT a hate thread and i do NOT want any arguing) if i do get the 560 ti's which ones should i get...
  26. badoosh

    Overpowered GPU?

    How can I fix damage from an overpowered GPU? My power supply seems to have created a problem with the GPU and making it produce strange static looking vertical lines on my there anyway to fix this without having to RMA the GPU? I have already replaced the power supply. Specs...
  27. G

    AMD Athlon X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz

    The following are the detailed specs of the machine I currently have: I don't use the integrated graphics but rather a GeForce 9500GT PCI...
  28. D

    560ti or 560ti 448 cores?

    hey guys was wondering does any1 no the performance increase between the 2 560ti"s? im stuck between upgrading to the gigabyte 560ti SOC and/or the 560ti 448 cores .....any 1 can help me?
  29. B


    OK I'm an idiot. I just did a fresh install on windows 7 and hadn't got around to installing an antivirus. I used a keygen for Crysis without scanning*yes i feel like an idiot*. 5 minutes later I was reading that some other people detected the virus on the keygen. So I scanned the keygen...
  30. C

    Use Motorola Phone As A USB Modem

    I have a netbook and would like to use my motorola phone as a USB modem. My netbook doesn't have bluetooth on board, & using the USB cable keeps the phone charged. I tried Ubuntu Netbook Remix, but it doesn't support USB modems. Is there a package that I could download for Ubuntu Netbook Remix...
  31. A

    Use hdmi input as output?

    Hey all. I have a Dell Inspiron All-in-One desktop and it has an HDMI input port, but no output port. I was wondering if there was anyway to connect my computer to my television via HDMI so that I can extend my computer monitor's display to the television screen.
  32. S

    Best upgrade from ATI HD 6950 2g? Xfire or Upgrade CPU?

    I'm looking to upgrade my system a bit I'm getting that itch, I've had my parts for about a year now and would like something new, while my parts are still worth something and will sell on ebay. Which is the best upgrade from my HD 6950? a new 7000 series card? or xfire another 6950? maybe I...
  33. G

    Three button momentary footswitch (TRS) ?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Hi there, I'd like to find a three button footswitch with momentary, not toggle, switches. Anyone got any leads ? This is for use with a Lexicon G2. The folks at Lexicon recommended a Digitech FS300, but it uses toggle switches, which don't...
  34. computernewb

    What are the chances of micro stuttering?

    hi. i have a HD 6770 and want to upgrade to a better video card. Im stuck between getting another 6770 to crossfire or buying a gtx560 ti. Does everyone who crossfire/sli experience microstuttering or it a small percentage? If i do experience microstuttering, is there anyway to fix it or am i...
  35. G

    Global Data Volume Grew to 2.8 Zettabytes in 2012

    IDC has released the results of a study commissioned by EMC, which concludes that the pace of data generation has accelerated significantly. Global Data Volume Grew to 2.8 Zettabytes in 2012 : Read more
  36. D

    Acer x1930

    Hello, what kind of graphics card would you recommend for this PC? it's a rather small tower and the last graphics card i had was too large to fit inside it, it had the right amount of pins and everything.. it just didn't fit in the limited available space
  37. A

    What kind of graphics card do i need for a compaq?

    I got this game for my birthday , and was so super excited :) ! However, after installing it on my computer and starting it, it shut down and a box informing me that I needed to update my graphics appeared on the screen :( . I have a compaq, which is just a terrible brand, but that's all I can...
  38. N

    ASRock 970 Extreme3 - ATI Radeon 8550 no video showing up

    I recently upgraded to a ASRock 970 Extreme3 i think I have everything connected correctly, and I have my ATI Radeon 8550 with 1gb discret mem connect pcie. the computer seems to be booting up but i am getting no video so I have no idea what to do? help!!
  39. ITsonic

    Catalyst driver won’t install on my PC

    I tried to install the new Catalyst driver 11.11 that came out yesterday for my Low profile HD 5450, when I tried to install the driver I got this message “Driver Install: the INF file was not found”. Why can’t I Installed this Catalyst driver into my PC? Is there something wrong with the INF file?
  40. P


    Hello, windows has stopped this device because it has reported problem code 43