performance decrease

Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with performance decrease.
  1. G

    [SOLVED] Pc stutters not long after I open a game

    A month ago, I started having random freezes while I was playing League of Legends. After a while, I switched to my integrated graphics so I could at least play the game, later that month I decided to play an old game(AC2) that I knew my pc could handle. The same problem occured to AC2...
  2. M

    Question Low fps in sli!

    Hi! i have benchmarked my GPUs with heavens benchmark after a fresh install of windows, and after 2 months. After a fresh install my computer scored 5400. (stock) with overclokcing, i got to 5700 Now, it scores around 5000. (stock) with overclokcking i get to 5200 maximum. What is the issue...
  3. AEX19629

    Question VERY HIGH POWER USAGE - Windows 10 - HELP FIX

    There's seems to be some problem with the power usage status on task manager. This has happened recently and has not happened before. All the components are around a month old, and I believe it may have happened after I did a windows update. I don't think it can be the PSU's problem since it is...
  4. R

    [SOLVED] PC sudden performance drop, stalling, freezing etc.

    G'day everyone! First of all I want to say that your community is excellent, whenever I had an issue with my PC this forum was my first Go To. Big thanks to all of you in here. Unfortunately I have encountered an issue that I cannot solve and I am at my wits end. Hopefully you can help me once...
  5. D

    Question RAM slot died. Can I use DIMM2?

    Hey everyone, So basically, the primary RAM slot on my mobo died. I have a single 8GB RAM stick. I shifted it to the second RAM slot and the PC was able to do POST. The BIOS showed a warning for "unsupported memory configuration" but I ignored it. The PC works fine now but will this cause any...
  6. S

    Question Massive Degredation in PC Performance

    Hi everyone, I've been using the same setup for years now and been enjoying 1440p gaming on High to Ultra settings with very consistently high framerates, but recently the performance in all my games has massively degraded and now I can't get a stable framerate in anything I used to play. The...
  7. C

    Question Windows defender has slowed down my computer even after disabling?

    So, I've had windows defender disabled for a while now, because I never used it and I've always used other antiviruses , but I recently enabled Windows Defender so I could do a full scan and see if there was anything that would show. (I primarily use MalwareBytes but I wanted to test windows...
  8. C

    Question Bad FPS drops (below 60fps) with a GTX 1080 TI, i7 8700K, 16GB RAM

    Hi all, I have for the past week or so discovered that my fps drops like crazy whenever I'm playing a game, (CS:GO, Fortnite, Classic WoW - the three main games I play and have tested this on) but for some reason there's not a single misstep during FurMark's GPU Stress Test Benchmark. I play...
  9. G

    [SOLVED] PC lags/stutters at even 30% cpu load (i9)

    Hello guys, there is this stuttering/lagging problem with my system, when I e.g. watch a YT video, and I have a few tabs open in the meantime, the video and generally the whole pc starts to have performance issues (the video / sound lags, the display seems to be running at 15 fps etc.). I have...
  10. Raerayu

    Question Need a PC Genius to Fix This Year Long Problem

    I've had input lag in my mouse for 8 months. On several different pc's with different mice and different keyboards. I used different monitors all at 144hz and tried a different house and still had the problem. I tried all versions of windows as well. Currently im running i7 9700k, RTX 2070, XPG...
  11. Nxro

    [SOLVED] HUGE Fps Dropping (160 to 20) every 15s in all games (I tried everything)

    So, In every single game or even while googling, my fps drop from 160 to 20 and it stays like that for around 10 seconds. I tried every single way to fix my problem, but none of them worked.. It just got worse. Please Help Me! This is really annoying! I have a GTX 1060 3GB , AMD 6300 FX , 8GB...
  12. M

    Question My PC is not performing as well as it should. Bottleneck or other issues?

    Hi! I've had this PC for over a year now, works quite well, but I had some issues with my SSD and had to replace it. Don't know if this is of any relevance but wanted to mention it. Also, the GPU tends to run on high temps, according to Speccy. I'm trying to play Witcher 3 and I'm finding I can...
  13. E

    Question Sudden degradation of HDD performance

    Alright, so, i bought myself a WD Black 1TB HDD about a year ago. It was running perfectly fine, wasn't noisy and everything was loading much quicker than my previous HDD. However, about 2 months ago, it suddenly started to read and write slower. Whenever i'm opening Windows Explorer or...
  14. J

    Question Fps Drops after some playtime

    Hey there, I would like to share with you a problem that has been getting me crazy over the last few months. I built a pc on October, these are the components: i7 8086k - gtx 1080ti - 16GB ram 3200mhz - 970EVO M.2 SSD The problem is that everytime I play videogames my fps start as lets say...
  15. canubetrusted

    [SOLVED] Horrible VR performance suddenly

    Hey Toms Hardware community. I have noticed suddenly my VR performance has gone from not great to horrendous regardless of whether there are a lot of background processes running. I have tried lowering settings so far. My game to test is Beat Saber but it is also very bad in performance in...
  16. S

    Question Input lag in games

    Hello! I have accidentally touched with a steel pipe from vacuum-cleaner a front usb-port after that my pc went off. I restarted it, on first glance it was kinda okey. After that I started a multiplayer game and noticed that performance went down from 60 fps to 20fps. I restarted pc but it...
  17. D

    Question CPU maxed out while GPU under 10% utilization in game

    I just switched out the motherboard of my system from and MSI z-370 A Pro to an Asus Tuff z370 Plus. Ever since then I've been getting noticeable stutter in the games I play. Upon looking at task manager, my CPU was constantly at 100% utilization while my GPU would fluctuate between 5-2%...
  18. joker50060

    Confused between two CPU coolers

    Should i go with the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo or the Arctic Cooling i30? Am gunna overclock just alil not a big overclock on this build PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($233.98 @ SuperBiiz) CPU Cooler: Cooler...