Forum discussion tagged with PFN_LIST_CORRUPT.
  1. X

    Question Black Screen crashes (and BSODs) after upgrading to new CPU and even switching back

    May as well ask here. There's a whole bunch of random stuff. I built a PC, over a year ago, with the following components: ASUS ROG Strix X570-E Gaming motherboard AMD Ryzen 7 3700X ASUS RTX 3080 TUF 2 x 8 GB Corsair Vengeance, DDR4-3200 (dual kit) Sometime later I bought another 2x8GB dual...
  2. LucaBTB

    Question Will performing a clean windows install get rid of software-related bluescreens?

    For the past few months, i've been getting more and more blue bluescreens at very random times, sometimes when im just browsing files, or the internet, or playing a game, with many different stopcodes (SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED...
  3. D

    Question Please help. Getting BSODs and crashes that don't allow the system to POST.

    Hello and thanks for looking into this. I have been having random BSODs, seemingly out of nowhere, for the past year or so. Sometimes these happen during gaming, other times these happen over zoom calls and some times they happen due to having too many Chrome tabs open (I think). Other times...
  4. L

    Question Frequent BSOD on brand new PC w/ old drive/Windows installation

    Hi folks I've just gotten set up with an almost entirely new PC, with the only parts from my previous rig being the PSU, an M.2 SSD and two HDDs. I've had frequent BSOD errors when trying to install programs/drivers/games etc., and a few that seemed to have been triggered just when running...
  5. Flame1


    I ran WhoCrashed to check the bsods and here is what it shows: View: In the conclusion section in WhoCrashed it said "6 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. No offending third party drivers have been found." I got the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD error after about...
  6. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD Help: Pfn List Corrupt

    I've read several pages of forum questions on this BSOD but it seems that most people usually have multiple different error messages, whereas I only have the one. I've only gotten pfn_list_corrupt and judging by time stamps on some messages I've sent out to friends, it looks like it started...
  7. ririx4268

    Question Relentless PFN_List_Corrupt BSOD

    greetings, i've recently started getting PFN_List_Corrupt Blue screens at random, they occur without any specific patterns, i could be writing something down, playing a game, or just watching something from a browser, "The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000004e...
  8. A

    [SOLVED] BSOD caused by ntoskrnl.exe

    Hello to everyone who is reading this question. I started to get Blue Screens around 2 months ago, so I checked .dmp files and all of them were caused by ntoskrnl.exe. I tried to find solutions on the internet, but nothing that could help me(or I just didn't find anything). Some of the BSOD...
  9. assassin445522

    PC won't start with 2 sticks of RAM (tridentz RGB) yes I have done the no post checklist.

    Other sticks work in any slot with no issue... They don't work if I put two in any slots in any combination So I have 2, 8 GB sticks of tridentz rgb 2400mhz my specs are here Everything boots runs fine fine temps everything has been checked, re installed Windows and all that stuff. Whenever...
  10. S

    AMD A10 5800K/Jasmine Compatibility

    Hi. Please could you tell me if my Jasmine motherboard will definitely be compatible with the A10 5800K Black Edition (I'll choose Best Answer quickly). Manufacturer: MSI Form factor: uATX - 24.4 cm (9.6 inches) x 24.4 cm (9.6 inches) Chipset: AMD A75 FCH Memory sockets: 2 x DDR3 Front side...