Rasberry PI

Forum discussion tagged with Rasberry PI.
  1. 32985720

    Question Best 1U Rack Enclosure for Pi Compute Blade ?

    Hello everyone, I am looking to get a Pi Compute Blade. However I cannot find any good 1u rack enclosures for them. Could I please have some recommendations for a good case? Thank you!
  2. D

    Question Possible to download a file from just a phone tap?

    I'm a teacher and was wondering if there is a way to load a word document on a raspberry pi or something else that will allow a simple phone tap. which is using NFC or RFID, to download the word document. I to use it to give out homework to my students. Please suggest something because i have...
  3. prandall

    [SOLVED] Help with Pi3B+ Alexa

    Hello. This is my first post in this forum send my first time using a rasberry pi at all. I'm totally new to this but I'm interested and want to get better. I was following the guide on Tom's Hardware for putting alexa on a rasberry pi. I'm using a 3B+ if that makes a difference. I got to the...
  4. O

    [SOLVED] pre-SOLVED RPi (linux) mount ASUS router NAS

    NAS on an ASUS router ASSUMPTION 1: router is set up and running well and “Network Place (Samba) Share / Cloud Disk” is in its default state ASSUMPTION 2: router is at ip address (often it is at ASSUMPTION 3: Drive is to be mounted is labeled MyNASdrive ASSUMPTION 4...
  5. D

    [SOLVED] Im a Beginner and Need Suggestions

    Ive been very strongly considering buying a raspberry 4 and a soldering kit cause i would like to jump into the world of amateur electrical engineering/experimenting with circuts and custom scripted tasks . i know what kind of raspberry pi i want to get (still open to suggestions) but i need...
  6. Jubby

    [SOLVED] Raspberry pi 4 doesn't display an image without a usb keyboard connected

    Hi guys, I recently purchased a raspberry pi 4 model B (4GB) and it will not output a display without a USB keyboard connected. The lights display that the SD card is being read and it has power. If I disconnect the keyboard while it is on the display disappears (no signal) I can then...
  7. Waterpark

    Question Looking for someone to build BugBots with

    I had an electronics friend who used to get together with me once a week and teach me electronics, soldering, Arduino boards. And we had a lot of fun. I’ve spent the last couple years collecting wheels switches LED lights parts for chassis And other fun useful bug but items. He’s too busy with...
  8. T

    [SOLVED] Raspberry Pi 3 for image processing

    Hi, I will be working on a project that will require image processing. My question is, Is Raspberry Pi 3 enough for image processing or should I get Raspberry Pi 4? And what will be the benefits of Raspberry pi 3 vs 4 when dealing with a situation like this? Thanks.
  9. CodyMondo

    RECORDING SOFTWARE CRASHED! How to recover .mp4's

    Me and a group of 5 friend played GTA V for the past 4 hours and i was recording it all and right at the end as we were gonna call it a night a modder crashed my game and i lost all 4 hours of footage. there has to be a way to recover it. anything?
  10. D

    Videos wont play properly and its annoying

    https://gyazo.com/4265ad53bdefeda442e7379aae08dfe2 this. at beginning of videos it black and stuff, and sometimes laggs. and then forwards really quick. i would explain more, but theres nothing really, i use chrome.