What do you think are the best graphic cards manufacturer for NVIDIA (quality, cooling, longevity)?
MSI, ASUS, EVGA, Gigabyte, Sapphire, PNY,...... ?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.general,microsoft.public.win2000.hardware,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
My goal is to have Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Linux 9 on the same
machine. Initially, I already have Windows 2000 and...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)
I have been trying to use the WinFax SDK send to call Winfax and
automatically send a fax. Here is a sample of my code using Visual
Basic 6.0:
Dim objWinfaxSend As Object
Set objWinfaxSend =...
Hard Drives
Windows XP
I am going to buy a new PC with 680 gtx Sli. If I equip it with a i7 3820, could the 680 gtx Sli be limited by the CPU? Would a i7 3930k be a better choice? Worth spending more money? I am going to play at 1920x1080 with all filters on AA AF AO Vsync. Thanks.
Hey guys im planning on getting a GTX 670 to run games at ultra 60fps.
Is this a good choice of a card? was also choosing the i5 3570k to run with it.
Good combo? bad combo? Any suggestions?
Thanks! :D
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?)
I have a printing problem which I don't understand.
I have a small XP Pro network consisting of two PC connected together via a
LinkSys BEF SX41 router. My printer is directly connected, via a usb port,
to one PC. This...
I have the following set up:
System Information
Time of this report: 10/27/2012, 08:35:40
Machine name: KAISER-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333)
Language: English (Regional...
Hi Every1!
I'd like to know if is it possible to record from my tv by this method:
I have a HDTV decoder and it's connected to the TV by a HDMI cable. Can I use this HDMI cable connected to the PC and use a software that record external devices so that i can record what's going on @ the TV...
This pc was pieced together from a couple older systems. My friend just upgraded his graphics card and will give me his 9800gt if I can use it. Current build is as follows:
BIOSTAR A880G+ AM3 AMD 880G HDMI Micro ATX Motherboard
AMD Athlon II X3 455 Rana 3.3GHz 95W Triple-Core CPU
4GB DDR3...
I currently have a ASUS A8N-E with 2GB of PC3200 ram along with a AMD x2 4600+. I plan on upgrading to:
Good morning guys,
My current Graphics card appears to be dying and on its way out so I am looking for a replacement. However, after trying to find a card by myself the amount of different cards is rather staggering so I came here for some advice. I will give you as much information as...
Ok, so I'm looking to get either a 7870, or if i find a GREAT deal on a 7950, i'll go for that. But i'm patient, and waiting for a great deal on one, not just buying today regardless. So i'm researching them, and i THOUGH i only had to chosoe between brands...but man was I wrong! I thought...
i cant decide between the evga ftw 2gb or the msi pe. also i might get a 660ti depending on how much money i can save, so what would be the best 660ti if i went that route? and is the galaxy triple fan one any good, ive been reading some reviews and it seems like theirs a decent amount of bad...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?)
My first time attempting to setup and use Remote desktop to connect to a
Win2003 server and 4 XP Pro SP1 computers in my office. I enabled RDC on
all computers in the office. I was able to test and connect to...
Hello, building pretty much my first gaming rig. Already ordered the parts, should be here tomorrow. Specs :
CPU : i5 3570k / Hyper 612S
MB : MSI Z77A-GD55
PSU : SeaSonic M12II 620W
RAM : Corsair Vengeance LP 1600Mhz / 2x8gb
And a Sharkoon Tauron case.
I have to wait 'till the next paycheck...
Hi there I am wondering if I buy the MSI HD 7850 if My CPU is be bottled necked my spec's are as follows.
Mobo: Asus M4A79XTD EVO
CPU: Phenom II X4 B55 ( I have my dual core unlocked to 4 cores)
Ram: 4GB GSkill DDR3-1333
I guess I wanna know will my system be bottled neck and if so will it be...
i am currently deciding between p4 3ghz northwood and amd athlon 64 3200+ newcastle processors. i am hard core gamer but study architecture as well. i want to play new games and also run acad, 3ds max and photoshop like apps. from what i read amd is better with games and p4 with 3d and acad...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion,comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips (More info?)
I replaced a 233mhz processor inside of a Compaq Deskpro with a 333mhz
processor, which is the maximum the motherboard will take.
But now upon boot-up, the memory count and initial screens...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)
How do I turn off notifications of unread emails that
come up at my log on screen? I know I saw a way to turn
that off somewhere but now I can't find it again.
Outlook is my email program.
My best friend has entrusted me in spending his money on a gaming pc. He plays World of Tanks heavily, BF3 heavily, and Far Cry 3 heavily. He only has been able to play BF3 and FC3 on PS3 but he says that he is not using a console any more.
Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: In about 2 weeks...
Hello, I've had an ATI AMD Radeon HD 6670 2 GB DDR3 for some months now and I've been unable to run Borderlands on even Medium settings with my current setup. I've seen someone with a Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 6670 1 GB who runs the game smoothly as anything. I have an XPS 8300 with 16 GB of RAM...
Can i put a xeon 1.7ghz processor in a p4 chipset mb? Or does it have to be specifically for a xeon? Anyone know of a good motherboard and or a good chipset for a xeon 1.7ghz?
Most mb's I have seen so far are 400 bucks and higher. Is this the norm?
I am looking into getting a new GPU, and I had a few questions I wanted to run by the community.
First, here is my setup.
i5 @ 3.30GHz
Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3 mobo
Nvidia gtx 460 768MB
2-mismatched 20" monitors.
My next upgrade is my GPU, and I've been eyeing the GTX 670 and 680s.
I can not get my Vizio (Model E371VL) to display my desktop. I just purchased my computer on Friday and updated Windows 7 and my GPU. I can display my desktop by using a DVI to VGA cable but when I plug in the HDMI it says "No Signal". Sometimes it says "Retreving Data" and then says...
So my XFX GTS 250 1gb 256bit went out so I sent it in to be repaired. They replaced it with an AMD 6750 that's 128 bit. Now I realize that the 250 is DDR3 and the 6750 is DDR5, but I was curious if I'm getting jobbed here?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150439 <----...
I'm build a new computer & i compare between these LCDs, which is the better one,
1 - ASUS VE247H Black 23.6"
2 - ASUS ML239H Black 23"
3 - SAMSUNG T23A350 ToC Rose Black 23"
also if anyone have a better LCD than before with that range plz tell me
Everything is plugged in firmly and the monitor is hooked up directly to the graphics card with an hdmi to vga adapter. When the computer turns on, the fans run and one would hear a short beep, however the monitor gets no display. Monitor works with the onboard card.
Hp Pavillion s3707c with...
Hi everyone,
I recently put together my first system with Windows Home Server installed. My question is I currently have a Buffalo Linkstation Pro Duo. I have had this NAS for a couple of years and it has done it's job. I have never been happy with transfer speeds when transferring to or from...
Hey i have XFX Ati Radeon hd5750 .. it is now about an year old ... but recently i bought a cooler master 212 EVO cpu fan ... after installing it .. everything worked fine ... but after a day i thought my cpu fan aint working fast enough so i tried to tweak some settings in bios ... and from...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)
I want to be able to automatically change the screen resolution
depending on which application I am running. Is there a way to
have only the full screen application in the...
So It is time to change my 4 year old student laptop (gateway FX) and buy my firs freelancer work PC.
My budget is around 2000$
my needs are :
3D modeling
3D rendering
2d painting
video editing
Rhinoceros with V-ray 1.5 which has real time rendering
Solid edge...
which is best? or are they the same and which would you get!?
Hello, i m looking for graphics card that can play skyrim on high settings with 1024x768 resolution with 2xAA and a litle AF turned on.
BUDGET RANGE: 70-80$ and under
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)
Just had Windows XP Home Edition installed on computer. Now the free yahoo games will not load. Could someone help?
I am currently running a Gigabyte EX58-UD5 motherboard, with a Nvidia GeForce 460 SE video card, and I want to upgrade to a GeForce GTX 670, will it be possible without doing a motherboard upgrade?
I'm looking for an ASUS GTX 670 which is not available yet, but which other company would be the best? (OC, HEAT, SOUND) modifications do you think which company has best (like EVGA, ASUS, Gigabyte, etc)
and why the modded card from them is better