
Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with Soyo.
  1. M

    Electrical buzzing coming from computer when playing games.

    Hi, so the title pretty well says it all. When I'm just messing around in Windows, the computer is essentially silent other than the fans. When I fire up a game (such as Guild Wars 2) a buzzing sound starts. I just built this computer last night, is this something I should worry about. Should I...
  2. Digital Overdose

    Programming, Gaming build $1000-$1500 range, need your input

    Approximate Purchase Date: Within the next few weeks Budget Range: $1000-$1500 System Usage from Most to Least Important: Computer and Web Programming, Adobe products and Visual Studio mostly, Gaming Are you buying a monitor: No Parts to Upgrade: I have a power supply and graphics card I...
  3. G

    Solid Desktop Setup for gaming?

    Hi everyone, In the past month I've really gotten back into PC gaming. The last desktop I owned was back in 2005 (a sony viao) and it performed well for most of the games I played. After my 7 year hiatus I'd like to be able to play games such as Battlefield 3, Shogun 2, and the upcoming Rome...
  4. S

    What didnt I do wrong?

    Ok my situation: have a pentium 3 933 mhz with a 40 gb hd. the hd had a 50/50 partition and i wanted to reformat the entire disk then make my own partitions and then re-install xp. what i did: 1. i used a program called killdisk to wipe out the hd 2. used win98 fdisk to set...
  5. GetParanoid

    Good build for the price? Anything i need to change?

    This is a new build i am making for gaming, so far here's what I have; CPU Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor $219.99 @ NCIX US CPU Cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler $28.98 @ NCIX US Motherboard...
  6. I

    Question about IDE/SATA jumpers

    Do IDE DVD-ROM still come with those massive ugly jumpers? I'm getting a windowed case and if that's still the case I'll go with SATA.
  7. P

    Need Suggestion on Drive For My RAID Setup

    Im going to be doing a RAID-0 setup, basicly what im wondering is should i use 2 SATA 3.0/Gb/s 7200 RPM Drives or 2 SATA 1.5/Gb/s 10,000 RPM Drives Just wondering, and will the performance gap between which ever one would be better be significant enough to spend the extra doe if it is in...
  8. B

    1 SATA II hard drive or SATA I RAID 0?

    Hello everybody! Here's the situation. I have 1 SATA II 80GB (3 GB/s) hard drive and 1 SATA I 80GB (1.5 GB/s)hard drive. I'm getting ready to install Windows Vista Home Premium and was wondering... Would I be better off installing Vista on the 1 SATA II hard drive by itself or should I create...
  9. F

    ~$3000 gaming/video editing build

    Approximate Purchase Date: end of october Budget Range: $3000 before rebates System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, video editing, blu ray, school work Are you buying a monitor: Yes Do you need to buy OS: Yes Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg, NCIX, Amazon Location...
  10. T

    Budget Gaming PC help

    Hey, I am looking for someone to create a build for me as I am trying to get a gaming PC on a Limited Budget, Made a post a week or so ago but got no replies :( Approximate Purchase Date: 15th of September Budget Range: £600 System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Uni Work...
  11. C

    MFT Curruption

    Hmmm... For the first time in a very long time, I'm stumped. I have a 320GB SATA. I checked' with Seagate's Diagnostics software, I checked with SpinRite - both gives the drive a green light, no problems. In my XP Pro however, I copy like 30 files to the drive, run a chkdsk, and the MFT is...
  12. A

    Help with new build

    Hey there well basically I've. Built a new pc I have a Amd phenom ii x4 965 black edition , 8 gb ram sdddr3 and a nvidia 460 se (gainward) And a new asus MLA78L-M/USB 3 motherboard , I am also using windows 7 64bit Well I have a problem with mt gfx card when I start my pc it runs in 800x600...
  13. C

    What is a good £750 air cooled build to provision for gaming later

    Hi I have a budget of around £750 and I would like to spend this on a medium or smallish PC that has good air cooling. Ideally it will be home to an Ivy bridge 3570k and may be overclocked in the future. I will be using it primarily for gaming and light media use. The build does NOT require a...
  14. ashim8813

    Building a Gaming Computer (for a maximum of $600) [for a beginner]

    Hi, I wanted to make a custom built computer as I heard it's firstly greater value for money and gives the user (me) much more control. I am new to this, I have only read a thread of two on other people doing the same, and my knowledge of parts is not exactly exhaustive (though I do know what...
  15. L

    Advice on build

    CPU Intel Core i5 3450 MOBO Asus P8B75-M LX RAM 8GB Corsair 1600mhz Vengeance (2x4GB) HDD 500GB S-ATAIII 6.0Gb/s GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 1GB CASE Zalman Z9 Plus PSU 600W Xigmatek They good and work together? not sure on the mobo. thanks for advice.
  16. D

    Looking to upgrade, what to do first?

    I would like to upgrade my system, in multiple ways, but am just getting into the hobby. I purchased this prebuilt a couple years ago and it's time I get serious. I'm looking for advice on what to upgrade first and/or what parts would be compatible if I should keep some of the existing...
  17. H

    Thoughts on this build?

    Monitor and Computer Accessories Display Monitor Keyboard Mouse VGA HD Cable (Xbox 360)...
  18. J

    Self-build- Are these components 'good' together??

    Hey guys, Have a pretty basic understanding of various components and after quite a bit of research, have decided to go with this system: CPU: i7 3770K CPU Cooler: Corsair H60 Water Cooler OS: Windows 7 64bit Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V LX Memory: 16GB Corsair 1866mHz Vengeance (2x8GB) HDD...
  19. Inductor

    Newegg build advice

    Hello I have just gathered the components for a new build over at newegg. I have been waiting to build this a long time a now I am finally ready to purchase the items. I have managed to keep the final price under $2000 link to shopping cart...
  20. K

    Check my pc build

    Hello, looking for an opinion and any suggestions, im a newbie to this. This is aiming to be a gaming pc around 1000 bucks. Newegg public wishlist: i think it takes sometime to go public ill post the items in the cart below...
  21. S

    Is this a good build?/suggestions

    Hey guys i need advice if my build is going to be good. First thigs first: Approximate Purchase Date: in one month Budget Range: 500-550 System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, surfing the internet/youtube, schoolwork Are you buying a monitor: no Parts to Upgrade: i have no...
  22. S

    Newbie needs help, first build

    Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: next month Budget Range: 500-550 with no rebates System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming on the newest call of duty games and maybe some graphic intensive games, youtube/web surfing, schoolwork Are you buying a monitor: no Do you need to buy OS: no...