
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Turion.
  1. Mirakledba

    Will the H105 fit in the DEfine R4?

    So I have a define R4 and I JUST ordered the h100i off amazon. I knew the h105 was coming out but I didnt think it would fit on the TOP of my case. Will it? 100% sure you cant use PUSH PULL with either one but i am going to add two fans. Did I make a mistake and does the H105 fit?
  2. U

    Network speed with different NICs

    All network equipment (Router, WiFi AP and Switch) supports 1Gb/s full duplex. Fiber optic internet and CAT5e for LAN. Computers - some wired, some wifi, various speed NICs. 1. There are two PCs next to each other, one wifi card support 1Gb/s, other 100Mb/s, will the data be transferred at...
  3. S

    Can I get an external graphics card?

    I don't think that I can get a graphics card for my toshiba satellite pro L500, as it's graphics driver is set into the motherboard. Is there any way I can get an external graphics card of some sort? Thanks.
  4. J

    Can I have this GPU?

    Cause I have a desktop computer with a weak GPU. I searched on Google and it said GPUs can be changed. So I was thinking buying a GPU to substitute my present GPU. But I searched, and not all GPUs run with all motherboards. So what I'm asking is can my Radeon X1650 SE be substituted by and Asus...
  5. 0

    RAM slot questions

    Does the first slot (A1) have to be populated for the computer to boot? Because when I tried this when I replace my CPU cooler and had to move my modules down to the second channel, the computer would turn on with a black screen and then the BIOS speaker would beep out some code or whatever then...
  6. iantodd71

    New cpu

    I'm upgrading my cpu from an Athlon II x4 620, but arn't sure which one to get. My options are Phenom II x4 975BE or Phenom II x6 1090t. I play games like C.O.D, Crysis and the like, also my wife uses the pc for her business. My system at the moment is:-...
  7. P

    Tfx power supply

    Hello, how much power supply should i choose for a Phenom II 3.3 ghz 80W TDP build with 2 HDDs and a CD drive
  8. G

    Swiftech cooler

    Does anyone know where in the UK I can get a Swiftech MC 370-OA from ? Thanks in advance. Gary.
  9. G

    Dual core and core 2 duo

    which one between dual core and core 2 duo has a higher speed
  10. S

    CPU and GPU overheating?

    Starting a couple days ago, when ever I would try to play a game (Call of Duty: MW2 or something) I would only be able to play for like 5 minutes or not even. My computer would crash. If I would try to restart it right away it would crash while trying to start up. So I would wait, go out and do...
  11. 13thmonkey

    Oddly behaving T8100

    The T8100 is clocked at 2.1ghz according to intel, in my dell XPS1330 it appears to have 3 speeds, 2.1Ghz, 2.1Ghz and 2.3Ghz corresponding to 10.5, 11 and 11.5 as multipliers. Does this make sense to anyone? I wasn't aware that the core 2's could do mulitpliers with more than 2 states, and I am...
  12. K

    Audigy (SB0090) or onboard audio

    Hi, I have a GA-MA78GM-S2HP motherboard and I'm using the on board audio. In my parts bin I found an old Audigy (SB0090). From my research this looks like one of the original Audigys from about 2001. My question to the forum: Would I gain anything by using this Audigy card over the internal...
  13. G

    internet explorer

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?) I seem to have downloaded a search bar/engine called isearch and i cannot get rid of it.It seems to have hijacked my internet explorer and web favourite items.Please help.Thanks Samoon
  14. L

    Input signal out of range

    Hello, I just bought a Dell Optiplex 745 CPU desktop and I am having trouble with my Hanns G HW191D monitor accepting it - I keep getting input signal out of range - how can I fix this??? I have been able to start computer in safe mode but not regular mode
  15. g00se216

    New Gaming Mouse?

    Hey guys I was looking to get a new gaming mouse and I wanted to get some good advice. I would be playing games like Sup Comm 2, Napoleon Total War, Battle Field 2, and MW2. I currently have the Logitech Performance MX but its not really a gaming mouse. How much more performance could I get from...
  16. X

    Input/output panel REAR panel, FAST question!

    Hi, guys, my brother is building a computer with the REAR I/O panel. His came with metal tab things on the panel that get in the way when trying to install the motherboard through it. Are you suppose to bend these tabs in a certain direction? Please let me know heres a pic, if you look...
  17. G

    incorrect security center reporting

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?) i'm runnning avast 4.6 home edition and zonealarm free. all of the sudden, windows started reporting that neither of them is working/installed (even though they are up and running; no problems were reported before...
  18. S

    Is this a good water cooling kit for a noob?

    I was looking at some watercooling kits because I want to try to watercool my Core i7 860 but I didn't want to spend a lot a wanted one that was easy to assemble and everything. I was thinking this: GIGABYTE GH-WIU02 3D Galaxy II Liquid Cooling...
  19. aznshinobi

    Case fans

    So, the Antec 902 has a 200mm fan at the top, with blue LEDs. I don't want to hassle with swapping the LEDs out, but is there any place, thats trustable, that sells 200mm white led fans? I checked Newegg and Performance-Pcs, and nada. So if there is none, how do you swap out LED's?
  20. copybeard

    Using old speakers in a new reciever

    Hello everyone. First time here, and I hope this question is pretty straightforward. I've just bought a new Sony receiver for my home theatre set up, and instead of shelling out another couple hundred quid for a new set of speakers, I was planning on using the brilliant speakers from my old...
  21. N

    Old AMD Fan Looking at Intell. Please Help...

    All 3 seem to be ready for future cpu's. The evga seems ready for future ram. Which of these 3 would you get? or somthing else? I an leaning towards the evga. ASUS P5N32-E SLI LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 680i SLI Dual core 1333bus ddr2-800...
  22. E

    Phenom II X2 550 with AM2+ motherboard?

    According to Guru3d's review of the chip.. "you can use these processors on an AM2 AMD 790FX/GX motherboard just as well. In fact even AM2 780 motherboards should be able to run them" and "Next in line is of course the Phenom II X2 550 BE processor. If we were to x-ray the processor, you'd spot...
  23. D

    My CPU working at 2.4 instead of 3.00!!

    hi, i am having a problem with my CPU and had a lot of problems recenetly with the whole computer. i have an ASUS commando motherboard, and an E6850 3.00 ghz processor i had a lot of problems including a cpu init problem, anyways intel RMA'd my processor and i have a new one now it is only...
  24. G

    Improve Speed

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) OS Win. XP Pro.Office 2003 If a programme (Spam Interceptor) is slowing down to open on a right click on the desktop shortcut icon, what could be the reason (others produce immediate positive response) and how can one...
  25. X

    Dell 540 Power Supply

    I am planning to upgrade the video card on my Dell 540 to: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102874 I barely do gaming on my system, I just watch movies, edit family videos, and use photoshop for web design. I think I need a new power supply with it and I am planning on...
  26. G

    need help to know what they are talking about at techsupport

    Hi I know that this is gonna sound dumb but I dont understand what the tech support are talking about... I guess I have to blame it on that english is not my native language... anyway this is the correspondence from support: its the first suggestion that I dont get... what does it mean if its...
  27. E

    Firefox works but IE won't!

    Normally I wouldn't care if IE worked or not, but I would like to be able to use windows update! I reformatted a sony computer with the included cds. They are old, so after I reinstalled XP home I went through the standard protocol of updating repeatedly. After I installed service pack 2, I...
  28. D

    Cpu temp

    hey all ive got somthing weird for all to work out?? i have a e8500 ovreclocked now running 3.8ghz 400*9.5. The funny thing is that i put one of the old p4 coolers on it now it runs at a nice 35.c idle max 55.c 100% prime 95 12 hours no errors.I recon that this stock p4 cooler is better than...
  29. G

    To partition? and cluster size?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) I am installing a new 120 GB hard drive for a Windows XP Home Edition installation. Expected uses are photo stuff and internet with some kid homework. Is there any advantage to multiple partitions? The setup program...
  30. Y

    Bad noise with MSI K8N NEO4 onboard audio

    Hi, i posted this in the mobo section as well. SO far, noone has been able to help me, MSI, retailer and pretty much everyone i know who knows anything about computers. Heres my new rig Mobo, see title Athlon 64 3000 Leadtek 6800 gt 2 x 512 OCZ plat ide HD Problem: I can hear weird noises in...
  31. J


    Ok I have quite a problem here.... So Im running windows Xp and i have yahoo sbc dsl isp, so for awhile i had been just using the modem for my ps2 online gaming and my pc and i had to manually switch them back and forth, My parents got sick of me always using the modem so we bought a Linksys...
  32. J

    Are all Q6600 on newegg G0 stepping now?

    I was just wondering because otherwise i would have to buy it from tigerdirect :/
  33. D

    Celeron E1400 in Foxconn 45CM-S board

    Hi all I have a friend who has a Foxconn 45CM-S. To cut a long story short. He was messing around with his PC and has broken the processor. He needs to get a new processor and for some reason wants to get the Celeron E1400. I have tried to talk him into something better. But he just wants a...
  34. rowdymoody

    XFX Radeon 7970?

    Hello, I am considering purchasing http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5736415&CatId=7387 It is the cheapest 7970 I have found. What I am wondering is basically, is this a bad Idea? I know that when it comes to parts you get what you pay for. Since this is...
  35. W


    Hello, I NEED UR HELO
  36. G

    ASUS P2B-F and Celeron

    Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus (More info?) Hi to everybody I have a ASUS P2B-F rev. 1.00 PCB A28 and Voltage Regulator Chip HIP6019BCB According to you can I upgrade my PIII Katmai 450 Mhz to a Celeron Coppermine 1000 Mhz (100 Mhz FSB) with my Slotket MSI MS-6905...
  37. P

    Which to get???

    Bit stuck on which laptop to get, the specs are the same apart from CPU and Grahics Adaptor. Spec 1 CPU type : Intel® Celeron® M processor 430 clock speed : 1.73 GHz Front Side Bus : 533 MHz 2nd level cache : 1 MB Graphics Adaptor type : Mobile Intel® 943GML Express chipset memory : up...
  38. S


    The memtest I found didn't seem to work... it was a bootcd, is there a memtest that works inside of windows?
  39. G

    MN-720 and Dell Inspiron 5150

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.broadbandnet.hardware (More info?) I have two MN-720 working with a base station MN-700. Two notebooks, each one with a MN-720, a IBM T40 and a Dell Inspiron 5150. I keep losing connection at my Dell, what does not happen with the IBM. Both have the...
  40. S

    What do you think of these?

    Hi, Could anyone offer their feedback on a few things: --------------------------------------------- CPU coolers: This http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835109140 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835154001...