
Forum discussion tagged with utility.
  1. I

    Question Defrag and Register Cleaner on a SSD?

    I have been told my others more knowledgeable than myself, that I should never use a Utility (ccleaner for example) on my Windows 10 PC, to defrag and/or clean the registry on my SSD PC. What says all of you?
  2. D

    [SOLVED] Unusual CPU Utility

    Hi, Recently my pc has been having some fps issues so I recorded a log during some gameplay. The graph shows CPU utility alternating for seemingly no reason. Task manager doesn't show anything running and I recently windows reset my pc so I don't think it's malware. Is it possible this is a...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] NVIDIA driver 446.14

    i have graphics card from nvidia 900series. So many years i'm only installing drivers via geforce.com manually only by chosing what i want to install to the system. So today i've downloaded latest version 446.14 from geforce.com and in the Installation Options i chosed Custom(Advanced) then i'm...
  4. A

    Tool to prevent battery from constantly charging

    Working from home on an ASUS G701 Win 10 Pro laptop. I'm worried that with it plugged in, the battery will keep getting a current and lose its capacity over time. So I keep plugging/unplugging as it fully charges; very annoying. Is there an automated tool to keep a battery from getting fried? I...
  5. J

    [SOLVED] MSI SDK gives my monitor flickering problem

    Hey, all. I just finished a gaming build for my friend. The build went wonderfully and the system recognizes every component. I’ve installed Windows but only after I finished installing MSI Dragon Center, my display flickers. It’s a not an on-off flicker, though. More like a bright-dim flicker...
  6. N

    Question Is there a software that allows you to monitor & maintain many PCs at the same time?

    My family & friends ask me to fix their computers all the time, which is cool - I'm glad to help. I noticed that most of the problems are related to failure to install key updates or hardware constraints (eg. not enough RAM). I was wondering if there is a software that seamlessly monitors a...
  7. Z

    Computer Freezes for 3-5 seconds then resumes.

    Hi! While I was watching a video in VLC Media Player, my PC suddenly freezes with a 'zzzzzz' sound for 3-5 seconds before resuming to normal operation. Should I be worried or not? Thank you.
  8. K

    AOC i2367Fh vs BenQ GW2760HS vs ASUS VS238H-P

    I'm gonna be building my first PC soon, and I've been looking at 2 likely candidates for monitors, the BenQ GW2760HS and the AOC i2367Fh. Here are the links: AOC: http://www.amazon.com/AOC-i2367Fh-23-Inch-Frameless-LED-Lit/dp/B009V8F700 BenQ...
  9. M

    [Last Minute Decision]MSI Mobo Opinion

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($245.80 @ NCIX US) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($38.22 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($138.54 @...