Xbox Live

Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with Xbox Live.
  1. G

    Windows Messenger or Yahoo Messenger?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?) What do you think is the best IM?
  2. L

    My build for non reference 290x.

    Hello guys, Im building a new gaming pc, but am waiting to get a 290x, it seems like the best choice for "future proofing" and value. This will be my first build. Are you thinking about getting a 290x too? Are you planing a new build too? If so feel free to post it, Iv love to see it. so what...
  3. G

    [Tournament Report] Chicago Port Authority

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Excellent tourney! Thanks to all who came! We had 17 players from around the region, including three from Wisconsin and five from Indiana (Lafayette). This was the first tournament in the area to use the 2005 tournament rules...
  4. G

    no panel fs9

    Archived from groups: (More info?) i use new notebook fujitsu-amilo with SISM760 video card FS9 works ok for flights, virtual cockpit, tour view, but cockpit-panel view doesn't work. i have latest graphic driver from SIS, and installed latest directx 9. the panels in all...
  5. G

    Pacific Fighters and flying prop

    Archived from groups: (More info?) This sim continues to amaze me, with the attention to detail and great graphics. Got in a heavy dogfight today with some zeros, I managed to get 2 of the bastards in quick succession, however I find myself flying through...
  6. G

    Xbox Live Question.

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Does it still bill you (when you're paying the $5 a month) the months you haven't played? I've noticed that it sometimes does not show up on my statement each month when, consequently, I did not even log on to XBL that month. So are my...
  7. S

    If You Like CS And You're Bored

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I recently set up CS:S with the bots. The difference was, I set them all on one team and me on the other, twenty of them against me. Did I mention they could only use knives. Bloody funny I can tell ya. The only reason I beat them was...
  8. G

    Updated ZA Free

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) **FYI: Not an Advertisement Zone Alarm has posted a new release of Version 6.0 (60.667.0) Free on their website. Installation process has changed a little. Be careful to select upgrade, to preserve existing settings and the...
  9. G

    Where in the hell is Day of Defeat: Source?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) Seriously, where is DoD:S? It's been awhile since HL2 has come out and still now sign of DoD:S. What in the hell ... Also, whatever happened to Team Fortress 2? Would it be that hard to release TF2 as an HL2 mod?
  10. C

    psu for gaming pc

    Hi, Will a corsair rm650 give enough power for a gtx780 & 4670k + ssd and a few (3) hard drives and fans? gtx780 is 230watt, i5 200w? I don't know how much power a hard drives/ssd needs thanks
  11. G

    Inspiron Issue

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I have an Inspiron 8100 which I've had for about 3 years. The laptop has seen very litttle use. I noticed a few weeks ago that a purple line would appear all the way from the top of the screen to the bottom when I first turned the...