£700~ cad/3D modelling setup


Nov 19, 2009

I'm considering upgrading from my old pc, if i'm going to see a good performance boost.

current pc specs;

CPU: Intel q6600 not overclocked CPU
Mobo: abit aw9d Mobo
Ram: 4gb ddr2 ram 800mhz
GPU: Power colour ATI 4850 1gb GPU
PSU: Hiper 650 or 750 watt PSU
hdd: 200gb maxtor and a 1tb samsung spin point
drive: dvd read and write.

I plan on keeping that setup intact and using it as a secondary pc for rendering or leaving it at home while at univeristy.

I pretty much need everything other then, screen, mouse, keyboard and sound. I might reuse either or both the 1tb samsung hdd as a secondary hdd and possibly the gfx card if buying a new one won't give me better results, but i would have to replace the gfx card for that computer if i did.

Primarily the pc will be used for cad/3d modelling and will probably also be used to play bf3 :) I will be purchasing within a month or so unless waiting abit longer will benefit me greatly.

I have a few ideas for what I need but would appreciate input from some one who is more up to date with computer tech then myself.

I'm open to suggestions on where to order from, if anyone knows of any shops offering a student discount i would like to hear about them :p needs to be in the UK though.

GPU not sure on a gpu at all, might be best just re using what I have for my budget and buying an older card for my old pc
OS windows 7 will buy with uni offer around £20-40
cost for cables and wires?
cpu and case fans?

If anyone can give me their input I would greatly appreciate it.



Nov 19, 2009

Thanks for the reply,

I take that from your post the other parts i have listed you would deem to be acceptable for what I need? ram, cpu etc
Is a ssd a good idea? i was planning on installing windows, 3ds max, sketchup, autocad, photoshop onto the ssd and using a second hdd for storing renders, models etc is this a good idea?

I looked around a little and think the i5 2500k would be better choice over the i7 due to price vs performance while still offering a good upgrade from my current cpu.

I have heard of aria before but not experienced it myself, are they reliable/ have good feedback?

The motherboard in the OP is not compatible with Sandy Bridge CPUs. You need to choose one with either an H67, P67 or Z68 chipset, depending on what features, etc that you need.

Good idea to go for the i5-2500K instead.