[SOLVED] $0-300 budget building/upgrading

In your opinion, is dedicated graphics worth preparing for/ buying? And micro-atx vs atx vs ect?

If you plan on doing any high end gaming ever you want to have a dedicated graphic card.

As for the board size it really depends on how large physically you want the system. a Full ATX board requires a larger case, there are also more slots for you to install cards into, however these days Its rare that the average user needs more than a single GPU. Sound cards aren't very common anymore unless you're an absolute audiophile, other than that you may want to add a WiFi card if you don't have a network connection nearby.

However MicroATX generally leaves you enough room to have a GPU and one other card so you would likely be...
I'm new to this so. I'm buying wherever possible.

Every single part you picked is a hard no. Literal waste of money.

Follow this guide and post in here your needs and we can help you build something
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Reactions: Bradensbro20051
Approximate Purchase Date: NA

Budget Range: 0-300$ after rebates and shipping

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Coding, gaming, and general use.

Are you buying a monitor: Maybe:
I have a tv I can use, but i'm unsure if this is doable.

Parts to Upgrade: (e.g.: CPU, mobo, RAM) Include Power Supply Make & Model If Re-using
I already have 4 DDr3 4gb sticks of ram

Two sticks are planet life samsung
One stick is Kingstone
I also have 3 Hard Drive so Im set on that
Do you need to buy OS: No
Please note that if you're using an OEM license of Windows, you will need a new one when buying a new motherboard.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
(e.g.: newegg.com, ncix.com -- to show us selection & pricing)
Na, whichever is trustworthy, I have amazon prime tho if that helps at all.
Location: City, State/Region, Country - we need to know where these parts are being assembled and whether there are good store-only deals available
Newport Maine US area

Parts Preferences: by brand or type (e.g.: I would like to upgrade to Intel CPU)
Overclocking: Yes / No / Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Yes / No / Maybe
Your Monitor Resolution: (e.g.: 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200 or if you're upgrading please state what you'd want to get)
1366x768- TV resolution
Additional Comments: (e.g.: Need to have a window and lots of bling, I would like a quiet PC. Please also list specific software or games you're using)
I have no idea about anything of stuff, even through i've done 10 hrs of research. I apologize if i'm asking for too much anywhere, I'm not looking for anything amazing just an upgrade that I can upgrade even more later. If there anything I didn't explain properly just say something below. Thank you for any help!
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: (e.g. I'm having trouble running game X or my PSU broke)
I need a better computer to code. Also to run games better. Such as running minecraft better.
You can find lots of refurbished office computers on ebay/ walmart cheap.

Core I5/I7 8 gig ram Windows etc...$ 129- 229
Take the components out of the Dell/HP/lenovo oem case and put them in your case of choice.

The power supply is the wrong type for your chosen case.
And as others have said, those parts are a very bad investment if buying new.


You can find lots of refurbished office computers on ebay/ walmart cheap.

Core I5/I7 8 gig ram Windows etc...$ 129- 229
Take the components out of the Dell/HP/lenovo oem case and put them in your case of choice.

The power supply is the wrong type for your chosen case.
And as others have said, those parts are a very bad investment if buying new.


From what
"a budget future proof setup "

No. Not even a little bit.
That wasn't "future proof" a decade ago.
Any advice then?
Every single part you picked is a hard no. Literal waste of money.

Follow this guide and post in here your needs and we can help you build something
Thank you! I did that sadly no replies yet! But still thank you so much!
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Reactions: Unolocogringo
That is a much better system!
Probably three times the speed of the original one.
It can be upgraded in 6 months or 2 years from now with a new processor or video card and be good for a few more years.

My first post is for people looking for something as cheap as possible.
Your parts list made it look that way.
Do you recommend atx, micro-atx, ect for a begginger pc builder? The design I said I like, but im worried it may not be future proofed enough (aka may not have enough space due to being micro atx). It can handle the specs I eventually want it to have CPU and ram wise but PCI slot, GPU, and cooling I dont know.
Every single part you picked is a hard no. Literal waste of money.

Follow this guide and post in here your needs and we can help you build something
In your opinion, is dedicated graphics worth preparing for/ buying? And micro-atx vs atx vs ect?
In your opinion, is dedicated graphics worth preparing for/ buying? And micro-atx vs atx vs ect?

If you plan on doing any high end gaming ever you want to have a dedicated graphic card.

As for the board size it really depends on how large physically you want the system. a Full ATX board requires a larger case, there are also more slots for you to install cards into, however these days Its rare that the average user needs more than a single GPU. Sound cards aren't very common anymore unless you're an absolute audiophile, other than that you may want to add a WiFi card if you don't have a network connection nearby.

However MicroATX generally leaves you enough room to have a GPU and one other card so you would likely be totally ok with that. It also allows you to have a smaller profile case which is nice. MicroATX can serve about 95% of users well enough.

MiniITX I do not recommend for a beginner, everything is very tightly packed so its harder to build. They also often cost more. The advantage is of course you can use a very tiny case if thats your thing.