[SOLVED] 100-150 FPS drops in games


Aug 19, 2019
Hello, I'm having issues across all games. The only way I can describe this is by calling it unstable fps I guess. In TF2 I might go in the map with 220 FPS but it'll go as low as 80 FPS in some areas of the map, bouncing around 100 to 180 and about. It's really messing with my experience. Another big issue I had was when I was playing Dead By Daylight. I used to have 140-120 FPS on Ultra, but I can't even pull above 90 for some reason in the last week, playing in low I get between 160 fps to 100 at certain areas, randomly.

I don't know where to go or how to fix this. I had noticed I also got some minor ghosting, but I ignored that, unable to fix. My specs are:

Intel Core i7-6700
GTX 1660 Ti OC
Hello, thanks for your reply.

I think my pc has a thermal throttling problem. But here are the results.

The results are pretty good, which leads me to believe the issue is software related. Your results would be much worse if thermal throttling was occurring.

1)This probably isn't it, but I need to cover it anyway - if these games are through Steam, have you already tried verifying the integrity of the game files?

2)Close your browser - if you happen to leave it on while playing, as it will use cpu and memory resources.

3)Both Windows Game Bar and Game Mode are disabled?

4)Check the integrity of Windows files...
Hello, thanks for your reply.

I think my pc has a thermal throttling problem. But here are the results.

The results are pretty good, which leads me to believe the issue is software related. Your results would be much worse if thermal throttling was occurring.

1)This probably isn't it, but I need to cover it anyway - if these games are through Steam, have you already tried verifying the integrity of the game files?

2)Close your browser - if you happen to leave it on while playing, as it will use cpu and memory resources.

3)Both Windows Game Bar and Game Mode are disabled?

4)Check the integrity of Windows files: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker

5)Are the drivers and the bios for the motherboard up to date? https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/B150-GAMING-M3#down-bios

6)Scan your system for malware with Adwcleaner: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/

7)The 1660Ti is pretty recent. If you were using an AMD gpu prior to this, did you uninstall the old driver using Display Driver Uninstaller? https://www.wagnardsoft.com/

8)Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings(this may help with performance a little)
Low Latency Mode: Off
Power Management Mode: Set to either Adaptive or Max Performance - the main difference is that the gpu will use more power even while idling; so for most people, Adaptive is probably the best overall setting
Texture Filtering - Quality: High Performance
Vertical Sync: Fast
*Don't forget to hit Apply
The results are pretty good, which leads me to believe the issue is software related. Your results would be much worse if thermal throttling was occurring.

1)This probably isn't it, but I need to cover it anyway - if these games are through Steam, have you already tried verifying the integrity of the game files?

2)Close your browser - if you happen to leave it on while playing, as it will use cpu and memory resources.

3)Both Windows Game Bar and Game Mode are disabled?

4)Check the integrity of Windows files: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker

5)Are the drivers and the bios for the motherboard up to date? https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/B150-GAMING-M3#down-bios

6)Scan your system for malware with Adwcleaner: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/

7)The 1660Ti is pretty recent. If you were using an AMD gpu prior to this, did you uninstall the old driver using Display Driver Uninstaller? https://www.wagnardsoft.com/

8)Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings(this may help with performance a little)
Low Latency Mode: Off
Power Management Mode: Set to either Adaptive or Max Performance - the main difference is that the gpu will use more power even while idling; so for most people, Adaptive is probably the best overall setting
Texture Filtering - Quality: High Performance
Vertical Sync: Fast
*Don't forget to hit Apply

Thanks so much for lending a hand, I will try all of these tomorrow and report back.

The only solid evidence (and concern I have) is that my card used to perform SO MUCH BETTER generally a week ago, dbd is the biggest contestant here, it fell from 140-120 Ultra to barely 140 low.

I've switched from MSI Afterburner to Asus GPU Tweak per my friend's suggestion since the card was an ASUS Tuf 1660Ti. Which, oddly enough did sort of stabilize and solve the heat issue. It sits around 45-50 on idle and doesnt go any more than 65 unless I use my custom OC, which locks it at 83c.

Also, it feels like the more I overclock, the bigger of a ghosting issue I have, can this be? I feel like the ghosting issue is foretelling some defect now or something really.
I've switched from MSI Afterburner to Asus GPU Tweak per my friend's suggestion since the card was an ASUS Tuf 1660Ti. Which, oddly enough did sort of stabilize and solve the heat issue. It sits around 45-50 on idle and doesnt go any more than 65 unless I use my custom OC, which locks it at 83c.
My card idles around 45C with the fans off, so what you're getting is pretty normal.
I think Gpu Tweak has applied a more aggressive, custom fan curve, which Afterburner doesn't do on it's own; you have to set your own.

Also, it feels like the more I overclock, the bigger of a ghosting issue I have, can this be? I feel like the ghosting issue is foretelling some defect now or something really.
I've only ever really heard the ghosting term on monitors with high overshoot...
Are you using your monitor's overclock feature - if it has one?
My card idles around 45C with the fans off, so what you're getting is pretty normal.
I think Gpu Tweak has applied a more aggressive, custom fan curve, which Afterburner doesn't do on it's own; you have to set your own.

I've only ever really heard the ghosting term on monitors with high overshoot...
Are you using your monitor's overclock feature - if it has one?

Not really, I don't think it has one. It's an asus vg258 144Hz monitor. It has tracefree on it and thats it as far as I know.
Well I've done everything stated on your to-do list now, I've updated the bios, had deleted the AMD files with DDU, but re-did that just to be sure, checked integrity, windows game-mode etc had already been deleted long before as I saw it unnecessary, I scanned my system and finally I've done the Nvidia control panel settings. No luck, sadly...

One thing that my PC used to not do is with the new BIOS it is now beeping once while starting up. This was never a thing, its just a singular short beep.

What else can I do? Thank you
Wow... Your hardware checks out just fine, and most of the steps I posted would've taken care of a number of software issues, just short of having to reinstall Windows.
Before pulling the plug and going ahead with a Windows reinstall, there's one last thing I can think of that hasn't been covered yet:
-Make and model of the power supply? How old is it?

Perhaps it is no longer able to provide clean, stable power to your current setup.
I wouldn't know, really... I never batted an eye to those things while purchasing it,I dont know its capacity or name of the PSU. It's about 3-4 years old though now.

It's a little saddening, I guess I don't know what else I can do, I already formatted my pc whole like 5 months ago or less.
I could not reply for a few days, but I still have my problem. I could not find my PSU, could you help me in general? I need to get rid of the ghosting issue, I dont know if it is my hardware that's wack or if its a software issue. My GPU is only 1 month old, 2 at best!

Here are some more things I noticed while searching for my PSU:

-My water cooler is spinning slow enough for me to notice it, I am not sure if it is ought to be as fast as the fans but feels like it lacks an "oomph" to it.
-My monitor usually "flashes" subtle lights when loading things like backgrounds of games such as TF2. It's not one solid color but the color itself gradually "flashing" to the right scheme.
-The general "load time" of apps and things feel choppy for some reason, everything has lost its smoothness honestly.
-The gameplay is choppy added to the ghosting issue. I usually play the class Scout in TF2 and play the game competitively, although it says its getting 190 solid fps for example, the fights are really choppy, putting me off of the game.

I just dont know what I can do to fix it. I hope I didnt fry my gpu or something. I cant afford another one.

Thanks for your help nonetheless.
1)What do you mean, you couldn't find the psu? It's a square box inside the case with an information label(which is what you're looking for):

2)I feel that you're overthinking the pump speed. If the pump was dying, your cpu would be overheating and throttling it's clock speeds. I didn't see that in the benchmark run you linked.

3)Analyze your PC with WhySoSlow: https://www.resplendence.com/whysoslow
-the home edition is free.