Question 10900k and manual voltage - am I missing something?


Jan 12, 2017
Hello everyone,
So I bought an i9 10900k and an ASUS Z490 Maximus XII Formula and I already ran into some issues. I have updated the bios to latest version (0607), and now I am trying to set a manual voltage for the CPU because as always, AUTO voltages seem to be extremely high (close to 1.4 volts from what I've seen), even though ASUS claims that auto should no longer have issues with voltages (maybe I am just unlucky?). My bios settings are pretty much on auto, except for the XMP profile, LLC which I set to 4 and MCE on ENABLED.
So the scenario is like this: I put the voltage on manual (1.25V) and tried to run some tests - prime95 failed with small ffts test. I increased the voltage all the way to 1.3V, but apparently no matter what I put here, the vcore (or at least the one reported by HWINFO) is pretty much the same, around 1.23-1.24 volts. Am I missing something here? Shouldn't the vcore stay as I put it? Or do I need to mess with some other settings aswell?
Thank you!
eh...... so you start Windows 10 (which lets hope is a fresh clean install, and not an old one carry from a diferent PC), and you open the monitoring software, leave the mouse alone and the voltage is always on 1.4V?
It never goes down?, What about frecuency?

Have you tried by setting MCE to Disable, if the same thing happend?
It is a clean install, yes. I always reinstall everything when I change the hardware.
The voltage does go up and down, but it does not seem to match what I set on BIOS (since I set the voltage as manual, shouldn't it be exactly the way I set it?). For example, I set the voltage to 1.35V, but on monitoring software it does not seem to go over 1.24V. In other words, it always seem to be much less voltage than what I set in BIOS.
It is a clean install, yes. I always reinstall everything when I change the hardware.
The voltage does go up and down, but it does not seem to match what I set on BIOS (since I set the voltage as manual, shouldn't it be exactly the way I set it?). For example, I set the voltage to 1.35V, but on monitoring software it does not seem to go over 1.24V. In other words, it always seem to be much less voltage than what I set in BIOS.

Sorry, I now see I wasn't clear enough with my writing, I meant to ask, If you set everything back to Auto in the BIOS, the voltage always stays at 1.4v while on idle?
Ok so apparently I misread everything, I was looking at "VID" values which are apparently much higher than the actual VCORE. With all settings on auto, I get around 1.26-1.27 volts on full load, however, when not in load I would sometimes get over 1.33 even, but really for short periods of time. I wonder if that would be a cause of concern. Thank you all for replies!
Ok so apparently I misread everything, I was looking at "VID" values which are apparently much higher than the actual VCORE. With all settings on auto, I get around 1.26-1.27 volts on full load, however, when not in load I would sometimes get over 1.33 even, but really for short periods of time. I wonder if that would be a cause of concern. Thank you all for replies!

I believe not, specially since you have MCE enable right?