I just recently got a new monitor and graphics card (1080 Ti) to play games. I am playing NieR: Automata, or trying to.
I never really cared much about fps and all but I decided I should since I paid quite a premium for G SYNC and 144 Hz in this monitor. The picture explains the before/after scenario before/after I launch a game. I set it to 144 Hz from the nVidia control panel and it's all fine. But the moment I launch the game, I noticed I am stuck at 59-60 fps, which was suspicious. When I check the monitor settings, it has switched back to 60 Hz somehow.
If I use my second monitor to keep the control panel open there, I can see it switched back to 1920x1440 with 60 Hz? This is so strange. In-game I have set it to 2560x1440 with High settings.
I have checked a few solutions on the internet and tried what they suggested but nothing worked. They include: turning off V SYNC (which was on earlier), using DP cable, which I am using anyway.
I never really cared much about fps and all but I decided I should since I paid quite a premium for G SYNC and 144 Hz in this monitor. The picture explains the before/after scenario before/after I launch a game. I set it to 144 Hz from the nVidia control panel and it's all fine. But the moment I launch the game, I noticed I am stuck at 59-60 fps, which was suspicious. When I check the monitor settings, it has switched back to 60 Hz somehow.
If I use my second monitor to keep the control panel open there, I can see it switched back to 1920x1440 with 60 Hz? This is so strange. In-game I have set it to 2560x1440 with High settings.
I have checked a few solutions on the internet and tried what they suggested but nothing worked. They include: turning off V SYNC (which was on earlier), using DP cable, which I am using anyway.