MU_Engineer :
I am basing this off of how every communist country that exists or has existed has functioned. Economic production per capita in communist countries is much poorer than it is in capitalist countries, often much, much worse. North Korea can't even close to feed itself and is beyond dirt poor while capitalist South Korea is very prosperous. Ditto with the former DDR (East Germany) vs. the BRD (former West Germany, now the only Germany.) It's the same people, the same areas, the same resources, but vastly different outcomes. The economic system is the difference.
Are they starving in North Korea because of communism or because of international embargo? (notice: i'm not saying we should take the same way as North Korea; just trying to "un-demonize" (sorry, i can't find a good word for this...) a current of thought, albeit utopian, but too much exploited during the Cold War and the witch hunt, to the point that propaganda still works today.)
MU_Engineer :
Your comment about Americans wanting "the carrot" is pretty funny as you are going to make my next point for me. There are two ways to motivate people- give them a reward for doing well and/or a penalty for not doing well. This is the carrot and stick analogy. A capitalist society more focuses on the reward for doing well while a communist society has no reward. All they have is the stick, which is often a 7.62x39 bullet or rotting in a gulag. I don't know about you, but I like the carrot as a reward rather than the stick as a punishment as my method of motivation.
This is partly true, but not to generalize.
If people were motivated only by the dough, there would be major malfunctions in our societies.
For example, I could very well leave the hospital where I work to start working for myself and earn 10x more money thant today.
It may be difficult to understand, but there are people for whom money is secondary.
MU_Engineer :
We most certainly do know what communism is because we spent decades as the main force trying to keep it from infesting the rest of the world. Why would we have spent so many lives and so much money doing so unless it was something we knew was absolutely horrible? We have an enormous number of people who fled the ComBlock countries to the U.S. to remind us of that all of the time. I posit that so-called "intellectuals" who rarely venture out of their ivory towers of theory don't know what communism really is. They have been so absorbed in their theories that they have not even done as much to wander over to the history section of their university's library and pick up any book about economics or world history from the 1930s to the 1990s.
It is precisely this kind of connection I blame.
You talk of communism as a disease or a pest problem. This is the most insulting terminology from someone who has never approached in any way something just because he was afraid.
The problem is that I speak to you a way of thinking. Thou tell me about countries and history (history written by the winners, I want to remind).
It is because of this meritocracy that you try to build around that part of the world hates you. I think a little openness would be beneficial.
Let the rest of the world fend for themselves if they did'nt call for help. Nobody asked you to choose what is good for others.
But yes, maybe the future will show me your country knew what to do. (I say "in the future" because today it is not shining)
MU_Engineer :
Yes, because others in my country elected an ivory tower pseudo-intellectual as president who has absolutely no clue about history or economics and thus thinks that communism is a good idea. Of course he thinks the others "just did it wrong" and his special brand of "communism lite" socialism is just the ticket. It is ironic that one of your former leaders summed up communism and socialism very well. Your former PM Margaret Thatcher astutely noted that "the problem with socialism is that you run out of other people's money." I couldn't agree more!
Choosing Margaret Thatcher as an example??? seriously???
Maybe your president has a best knowledge of history than you!
Take a look: All fascist leaders spoke of parasites that have infested the world and pseudo-intellectuals who led the country to ruin.