gropouce :
Are they starving in North Korea because of communism or because of international embargo? (notice: i'm not saying we should take the same way as North Korea; just trying to "un-demonize" (sorry, i can't find a good word for this...) a current of thought, albeit utopian, but too much exploited during the Cold War and the witch hunt, to the point that propaganda still works today.)
I am strongly leaning towards communism. People starved in the USSR and in Red China during the Mao reign and they certainly had the ability to produce enough food to feed themselves, rendering any international embargo meaningless WRT feeding their citizens. Shoot, today the Russian Federation is a large grain
exporter under a nominally capitalist government.
This is partly true, but not to generalize.
If people were motivated only by the dough, there would be major malfunctions in our societies.
For example, I could very well leave the hospital where I work to start working for myself and earn 10x more money thant today.
It may be difficult to understand, but there are people for whom money is secondary.
The beauty of a free market system is that you are free to choose what you want to do. (You are also free to choose to do nothing at all, but you just don't get paid anything to do so.) You are not forced to do a particular job under threat of a bullet to the back of the head by Glorious Leader like in a communist system. I also work in a hospital and I could have easily done a job where I got paid much more. I chose to not do some far more lucrative jobs as they have ridiculous hours and a ton of call. I did the 100+ hour weeks with no sleep earlier on and it was
absolutely miserable. I am glad I get to choose to not do so rather than be forced into doing so by the government.
It is precisely this kind of connection I blame.
You talk of communism as a disease or a pest problem. This is the most insulting terminology from someone who has never approached in any way something just because he was afraid.
The problem is that I speak to you a way of thinking. Thou tell me about countries and history (history written by the winners, I want to remind).
We know very well what communism is/was. The COMINTERN was certainly a force that needed fought as it was simply the USSR's plan for world domination. Communism was really only the vehicle to get the USSR's foot in the door and then the Soviet bloc dictators would run the show once they got in power. We knew it well enough that we realized that it was unsustainable and all we had to do was wait it out, which we did, and the major communist countries went away (USSR, DDR.) China is currently not so much communist as it is a corrupt dictatorship and we are waiting them out too. That's why we are not fighting them like we fought the USSR in proxy wars (such as Vietnam, which your country started.) Continuing to trade with them forces The Party to continue to loose its grip on the populace, lest they lose power. They will either fade to the background or the people will throw them out as the country continues to move to a more capitalist system as they are currently doing.
It is because of this meritocracy that you try to build around that part of the world hates you. I think a little openness would be beneficial.
The world appears to hate us because we have power and they don't. Europe doesn't like us because we stole their position as "center of the world" following WWI, which they'd had since the Middle Ages. Note that the parts of Europe that seem to hate us the most are the countries that are the most socialist and struggle the most economically, such as the PIGS countries. Ireland, the UK, Germany, and much of Eastern Europe have a better economic outlook and view us in a much better light than Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain as well as France do.
Let the rest of the world fend for themselves if they did'nt call for help. Nobody asked you to choose what is good for others.
But yes, maybe the future will show me your country knew what to do. (I say "in the future" because today it is not shining)
Our involvement across the globe at least until our current leader took power in 2009 was mainly directed at what was good for us. We were in the Middle East in the 2000s as there were whack jobs out there that decided to kill several thousand of our citizens and we decided to try to root them out the best that we knew how to. Hindsight is of course 20/20 but we at least had a plan and an objective and attempted to achieve it.
Also, if you are upset at the U.S. playing role of the world policeman, why doesn't your country step up and do so? We are essentially forced into that role as nobody else wants to pay the costs to do so and knows that being the most powerful country, we'll attract most of the crap from the malcontents in the world. Our idiot-in-chief since last 2009 has had a very ill-advised and unpredictable "what will make me look the best in the history books" foreign policy but before that we largely did what we had to do to try to keep ourselves as safe as we could.
Choosing Margaret Thatcher as an example??? seriously???
Maybe your president has a best knowledge of history than you!
Take a look: All fascist leaders spoke of parasites that have infested the world and pseudo-intellectuals who led the country to ruin.
Yes, leaders like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao continually spoke of the scourges of the bourgeoisie and the capitalists who led their countries to ruin. I doubt that Obama has much knowledge of history as he would clearly act differently if he did. He of course sealed his transcripts so that we can't tell what he actually took for classes in college but I strongly doubt it was much in the way of economics, mathematics, or history. (But his agencies of course have seen mine multiple times as I work in healthcare and I have to pay a bunch for the monopoly testing bodies to furnish them with those transcripts!) I would put my knowledge up against his ANY DAY. But don't worry, he'd "Joe the Plumber" character assassinate me if I ever dared to question him or his flunkies. Either that or they'd lock me up next to that poor guy who made the video which didn't cause the Benghazi attack. He's still in prison!