1st attempt... Crazy awesome??!!


Sep 18, 2008
ok so i don't feel safe to boot my main comp right now because i just tried to oc it for the first time. so i have a
asus m3a79-t deluxe
amd phenom 9950 BE
16gb ram
2x radeon 4870 x2
ninja 2 heatsink (no water cooling)
abs monolith case
1200 watt psu
2 120 cfm fans (one on heatsink other on case)

ok so i just went into my bios and into jumper free configuration and manually set the fsb frequency to 350 and the pcie frequency to 120 and i saved and booted my computer to see what the difference was and it says that i have a 4550 mhz processor staying at a cool 36C/96.5F and a mb at 32C/89.5C

i really don't feel safe to boot, there's no way that this happened. is there any way that this could possibly be stable? what did i just do? i'm a complete noob to overclocking
36C? Yeah that seems crazy, but then that's just the BIOS huh 😀. Anyway you really shouldn't raise the PCI frequency since that will cause all sorts of problems. I don't think you'll be able to boot with those settings honestly since alot of people have a hard time running the Phenom at 3.0GHz. Start off with a lower overclock and raise it slowly. I say you should set the multiplier to 15x with the default FSB and see if it boots. If it does run prime 95 for a while and see if it's stable. If it's stable, then try 15.5x, then 16, and so on until your computer can no longer complete prime 95. Once your system is unstable, go back down a step. If you want to push a little more lower your multiplier by 1x instead of .5x and increase the FSB little by little untill it again proves to be unstable.
my motherboard has auto settings should i change those to manual, if i do it automaticaly switches it to the min so i have no idea what it was. so i left it all on auto.

what would be the concequences of trying to boot it with the 4550 settings
It will just lock up if you have the settings too high. Just DONT JACK AROUND WITH VOLTAGES UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DO. Adjusting a voltage too high can kill your parts. Setting the clocks too high will not.
yes i realize that it's overkill but i had a chance with no budget to buy a comp so i did. also i'm waiting for the deneb fx processor to come out. because then i know that it will oc very well and i intend to learn.

i didn't adjust the voltages i just turned up the fsb and now my comp is running. fsb to 250 and in bios it said my processor was at 3.25 ghz but in windows it still says 2.6 ghz

what's wrong with being a noob? all of us started out as a beginner at some point or another.

if he had the budget and could afford 4870x2 x2 then he shouldn't be judged because of that.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude, if you want to overclock, and you have an upper-railer on your budget, why the hell didn't you buy an Intel system? Duh.


An Intel Q9450 would have been better, yes... However... This is a situation where you gotta look to benchmark values (On Paper) to see the difference... I don't think the difference between the Phenom and the Intel chip is going to be "Tangible" while you use your computer.

Even though some of us don't like AMD as much as Intel processors, you still built one BEAST of a gaming rig!

The 2 video cards are crazy fast! I currently have ONE HD4870 in my beast... A second one is on the way from Newegg.com as we speak. And I'm WAY more than pleased with my performance! The two cards you have must be insane.

- Witt

PS - What is the physical difference between his Phenom and my Q9450? 65mn Arch -vs- 45nm Arch... The Q9450 has a larger cache... That's about it isn't it???

Well, I bought nothing but AMD chips for years, until the latest purchase. So I can tell you what I think the actual real physical difference is between the two. I'm pretty sure there's just more lies and false promises packed into the Phenom. Shame, really; I hope to be able to purchase from them someday again.

the reason i didn't go intell is i'm waiting for the phenom fx deneb processor to come out. becasue apparently it's supposed to be faster than a 5 ghz kentsfield. i'm pretty sure that this is all internet rumor but if it was true then i'm stoked. but if it's not true i'm still going to get it because it fits into my motherboard and will undoubtedly be a ton faster, plus it's the fx chipset so overclocking will be great. http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/08/26/deneb-core-blimey

hope it's true but kinda doubt it. also i don't like intell, don't know why but i feel like supporting amd.

on another note i got it up at 3.25 ghz just changing fsb and it is running a ton smoother than it ever has before, everything is instant and there are no program delays, i'm really liking my system now.

still would like to know where to start bescides what i did. but i'm just wondering what i should change the voltages to, i heard that just changing the voltages gets the phenom up to 3 ghz easy then after that it gets complicated. i also don't know what the auto settings do but i did go with a motherboard that says it's good for overclocking the phenom x4 and the phenom fx so i trust it to know it's autos beter than i could program it.

any advice on where to start? i really want to get better at OCing before i get my new processor
Deneb FX is not going to outrun a 5ghz q6600.
you'd have to be @ 6.2GHZ+ to do that. Now, the current clock ceiling seems to be 3GHz. Maybe 3.2 if you're lucky and have a "golden" chip.

So, did all of the AMD executives sell their souls to more than double the clockspeeds of their chips? I'd say not.

Did your AMD fanatic friend to whom you've been listening to dump a load of lies into your little brain? I'd say so.

You, my friend, are a class "A" Douchenozzle.

When you see my username, I would suggest you read the attached post twice. Just incase you didn't understand the first time.

Pft, you both are jokes. We all know it's all about the Cyrix cpu's...

Ahh Hell! The house is on fire!!! Who let the flamer in!?!?!

I think this conversation has now devolved into a slap boxing match. Reminds me of that Monty Python skit where they are slapping each other in the face with fish...

Time to find another thread to follow before a burning rafter drops on my head.

- Witt

PS - Cyrix CPU's!!! N'Yuk N'Yuk N'Yuk

I tried to extinguish the flames by throwing in the ol' cyrix one two combo in a intel vs amd war. 😉