2 month old build making terrible racket


May 28, 2011
About a month and a half ago i got my build finally finished and everything worked amazing but a week or two ago this clicking that comes in and out started and now its gotten pretty bad when i built the rig i felt i screwed the 120 mm fan too tightly so i took it apart while the machine was running and the same clicking started again. Im willing to do some more testing but before i do does anyone know what might be the problem.

notes: -it seems to be coming from the back
-it comes in and out
-it sounds like its related to a fan

Please help
Could you list the components you purchased? Some parts have 'known issues' which makes them easier to identify.

Make sure the case screws are secure on both the right and left panels.

If it is coming towards the back of the case it may be the video card or the PSU.


May 28, 2011
im leaning tward the fact that it very well might be the psu but i have a 5 year warranty on it but this weekend ill run the computer without the graphics card and see how it does. also there is no problem with the left and right panels



Ticking very often is a fan blade brushing into another part. Maybe somewhere you have a wire which, over 2 months, has moved slightly until it runs into a turning fan. If you can't see it and it is near the back, it might be inside your PSU. The simple solution, if you find it, is to move the wire out of the way. But I can understand if you don't want to open a new PSU and void the warranty.
I have a HAF922 also and it makes a clicking sound when the panels are not fully secure. I have all of the cables routed on the back side of the motherboard tray and have to make sure the screws on the right side panel are tight. If not it makes a very fast clicking sound from the metal shuttering. But is extremely quiet when I have it secured properly. I normally have to press in on the panel lightly while sliding it on and also installing the screws.

Try this. While it is making the clicking sound take the palms of your hands and press in on both the left and right side panels at the same time (almost like a vice) and see if the sound dampens as you add pressure. For me the sound will not go away but it will quiet down some. If that is the case then vibration from the panels is causing the problem which is easily remedied by resecuring them.

If not then likely the PSU, some other device, or a fan is the source.



Sep 21, 2011

You have a Corsair Water cooling Loop, that CPU Block has a small Pump in it, i have a similar corsair product and i hear the pump from time to time, i thought it was a loose fan, i have a had worn out fans that make similar noises


Clicking noises are often related to fans. The power supply is a definite possibility because there are a lot of components in it and they usually have plastic baffles in them to isolate high voltages from the chassis and other components. To determine if its a fan and which one try stopping the fan for a moment with a peice of plastic. I usually put a plastic knife near the center and apply just enough pressure to get it to stop. Just don't hold it for more than a second or so. DO NOT put anything into the blades of the fan.

I also have a corsair water cooler. The only time I have had a problem with it making noise is when there is an air bubble trapped in the pump(usually when I am messing with it). That could be your problem as well. You need to make sure that there is no air getting into your pump because over time the pump can become damaged due to excessive vibration. If the pump is your problem you should seek a warranty repair/replacement on the H60 because those are supposed to be maintenance free(as long as you didn't take it apart).